Why does obsidian have no crystals? Why do estuaries have high primary production? Why is nitrogen the most abundant chemical in Earth's atmosphere? What causes minerals to form crystals? Why is Mars no longer geologically active? Why is marine geophysical important to oceanography?
Why does obsidian have no crystals? Why do clouds form? Why is the glass transition temperature important? Why do sounds travel faster in solids? Why is the shape of a molecule important? Why is the melting of ice a physical change?
I had to do a much deeper and expansive exploration to find copper and lead (iron equivalent) as I’d started a new character. Fortunately, I like exploring and the other two seem more in favor of long highways and tunnels, so I managed to sneak into a niche of going around all the ...
Why does NaBr dissolve in water? Why is ice the solid form of water? Why do the crystals in gneiss line up in bands? Why is naphthalene insoluble in water? Why does carbon tetrachloride not dissolve in water? Why does obsidian have no crystals?
Do metamorphic rocks have crystals? Is hematite igneous, metamorphic, or sedimentary? Where do metamorphic rocks get their name from? Where do most metamorphic rocks form? What makes gabbro a rock and not a mineral? Which turns metamorphic and sedimentary rocks into igneous rock? How are int...
Iron is a chemical element classified as a metal; its atomic number is 26, and its denoted by the chemical symbol Fe. Iron has many industrial uses; it's also a necessary mineral in the human body. Answer and Explanation: Iron is used to make steel, and steel is used in bridges becau...
Why do the crystals in gneiss line up in bands? Why are silicate minerals typically not considered to be ores? Why don't sediments accumulate everywhere? How does cooling rate affect the crystal size of minerals in igneous rocks? Why is petrology important?
36K In this lesson, learn about extrusive igneous rocks. Discover how extrusive rocks form, extrusive igneous rock characteristics, and see extrusive rock examples. Related to this QuestionWhy do extrusive rocks have small crystals? Why do igneous rocks have holes? Why are metamorphic rocks that ...
Why do the crystals in gneiss line up in bands? Why does the body need vitamins and mineral ions? Why is stratigraphy important in archaeology? What are three ways that minerals are used? Why does obsidian have no crystals? Why is the Murchison meteorite important? Why are igneous rocks us...
Why must water evaporate for sedimentary rock to form? Why is physical oceanography important? Why is Alfred Wegener important? Why does obsidian contain few or no mineral grains? How does the rock cycle impact the lithosphere? Why do volcanoes erupt? Why is it important to monitor volcanoes?