This law of polarity can be clarified through the consciousness of different crystals. For example, the contrast between the darkness and density of Obsidian and the lightness and grace of Selenite, thecrown chakracrystal, linking us to the angelic and spiritual realm. Working simultaneously with cr...
Obsidian rock may also be green and purple, brown, blue and green, but the black crystals are what I am concentrating on in this article, as they have some powerful metaphysical properties. Snowflake Obsidianis the black and white stone and is fairly easy to find in shops. You can see p...
Of course this is not always possible. Having any crystals or stones anywhere on your body will have a positive effect on your entire auric field. Many people find it is helpful to wear their crystals close to the areas that the energy assists. If you need help to heal any sort of iss...
1.Black Obsidian Stone is a powerful cleanser of psychic smog created within your aura, and is a strong psychic protection stone. Obsidian is one of all crystals. A kind of crystal with the strongest absorptivity. It can quickly absorb the nearby miscellaneous gas or negative energy into its ...