there you're trying to do something nice I couldn't get a goddamn word it it's a training all prescription so he's something I saw the other day I've not seen in a long time you know what I saw I saw balls on a dog hey remember that shit dude I have not seen that since li...
『Neriah 』| 已在副歌走不出去了 | 只是偶尔思绪万千 于嘈杂的人群偶感孤独 | 日推歌单 | 《AT LEAST I'M GOOD AT IT》 02:28 『Falcon Punch / Borneland』| 光影跳动着像在困倦里说爱 | 《Night Time》 06:09 『Britton』 宇宙没有为任何人写下命中注定的故事 | 小众日推 | 欧美歌单 |...
He had only one thought: If I don’t get them out, they’ll drown.Daniel reached the car and grabbed a door handle. But the water was only four inches beneath the window, and the door wouldn’t open. With one powerful punch, Daniel and Skip broke a window. Daniel reached inside ...
right in the heart of the other one. Where the first one was concerned with revival and reestablishing traditions, this one didn’t really care so much about that stuff. Strip out the culture and the lore and just focus on the mixology, on the things that could be measured in ounces an...
the courage to risk family and home, and a 24/7 commitment that borders on the obsessive. So it's just as well that I'm a workaholic. I believe in the beauty of work when we do it properly and in humilit...
We asked a lot for our young group to produce and it's hard to do at that level and they were really good. Usually you don't have that many rookies come in and be a core part of your team, and they were… We believed in these guys, and...
Initially, the only way I could see how to do that was to do what’s always been done: to charge an arm and a leg for my courses. We all know that when you have skin in the game, you’re a lot more likely to follow through, right? But what if you don’t have any skin to...
for you, I'm not sorry about the things IdoI've got a brand new song It issohappy happy I've got a brand new attitude It issohateful hateful ... 歌词 ReelBigFish.WhyDoTheyRockSoHard?. I Want Your Girlfriend To Be My Girlfriend Too. 卷筒大鱼. 为什么他们摇滚这么难?. 我要你的女朋...
aPeople create viruses. A person has to write the code, test it to make sure it spreads properly and then release the virus. A person also designs the virus’ attack phase, whether it’s a silly message or destruction of a hard disk. So why do people do it? 人们创造病毒。 人必须写...
there you're trying to do something nice I couldn't get a goddamn word it it's a training all prescription so he's something I saw the other day I've not seen in a long time you know what I saw I saw balls on a dog hey remember that shit dude I have not seen that since li...