If the oven door is slammed after it’s opened, it can cause partially baked cake layers to sink in the middle. If the center isn’t set as the oven door is slammed, it can collapse and won’t be able to rise up properly again. How To Prevent This Next Time: If you need to ro...
Too much leavening agentlike baking soda or powder can cause a cake to rise too high too quickly. The gas from the leavening agents builds up and escapes before the cake bakes through in the center. This causes the center to collapse and makes your cake layers sink in the middle. How d...
Many Bundt cakes and moist, sweet coffee cakes baked in tube pans have high ratios of sugar or liquid that can weaken the structure of the cake. It’s the center tube that allows them to rise and set, and the same batter baked in a round or square cake pan may col...
as well as making it more likely to collapse or weep beads of sugar. As my meringue guru Gary Mehigan advises: “If you over whip the egg whites you cannot fix it.
Before the Missouri State Fair, Mike and I went to Menards to get some new chairs to take to our tents. I chuckled a bit at having to go through turnstiles to enter the store. That's so pre-digital age. I mean, where else today do you go through turnstiles? So, what gives? Do...
Even if Le Pen becomes France’s new leader how do we know that she won’t do a Donald Trump on France and the EU? Jews are like that proverbial monkey with his fist in the peanut jar: incapable to relinquish something that is in their grasp they cannot let go. We will probably ...
Over the summer, watching the political violence, the shootings, the militia on the streets, the revolutionaries seizing whole neighbourhoods, quite a few people I know decided that the United States was close to collapse or civil war. It wasn’t, of course. (One thing that never once ...