Continental drift is the theory that millions of years ago there was once a supercontinent called Pangaea and since then the continents have been drifting apart and continue to do so. Although widely accepted today, the theory of continental drift was pioneered by German scientist Alfred Wegener ...
What is meant by the term Pangaea? - the entire Earth - the super continent that broke apart about 200 million years ago the super continent that broke apart about 100 million years ago - the super continent that will form when the continents eventually ...
However, the lifespan of the supercontinents appears to decrease with time, from ∼300 million years (Myr) for Nuna/Columbia, to 200–250 Myr for Rodinia and ∼150 Myr for the youngest supercontinent Pangaea. To understand what caused such a secular decrease in supercontinental lifespan, ...
It was the time of Pangaea, when all the continents were cuddling, and Greenland was right in the middle of it all. But then, when everyone got bored and scattered off to separate parts of the globe, Greenland got confused and ended up way up in the Arctic by itself with a shitty ...
When a bone fractures , new bone cells rush in to fill the gap and repair the break, but a cracked or a broken tooth can require a root canal or even total extraction. Another difference between teeth and bones is that bone marrow produces red and white blood cells, while teeth do not...