had transformed from an Andean-type convergent margin during the Early Palæozoic to a passive rift margin during the Late Palæozoic, major rifting pulses marked by Carboniferous-Permian unconformities and hiatuses within numerous Gondwanan basins occurred during the warmer deglaciation periods...
and geology. There are numerous examples of plate tectonics shaping the whole world: the breakup of Pangaea reproductively isolating animals and plants, contributing to increased speciation; the break-up of Europe and North America causing extensive volcanism that led to the Palaeocene–Eocene Thermal...
and the evolutionary divergence of the northern and southern subfamilies of cypresses actually reflects the breakup of Pangea about 153 million years ago. As fragmentation progressed and ancestral lineages were separated from each other, new lineages were established and ...
The breakup of the world-continent Pangaea, which began during the Jurassic, continued apace.The Cretaceous saw the lengthening and widening of Atlantic Ocean, which especially spread further south, while the Alps were formed in Europe. India broke free of Gondwanaland and became an island ...
The breakup of Pangaea occurred outboard of the Paleozoic collision zones that accreted Carolinia, Ganderia, Avalonia, Meguma, and Suwannee to Laurentia, leaving these terranes appended to North America during the Mesozoic opening of the Atlantic.doi:10.1139/e11-049...
Lampreys, one of two living lineages of jawless vertebrates, are always intriguing for their feeding behavior via the toothed suctorial disc and life cycle comprising the ammocoete, metamorphic, and adult stages. However, they left a meager fossil record
The breakup of Pangaea and the rapid opening of the Ligurian and Central Atlantic oceans during the Middle Jurassic resulted in widespread volcanism accompanied by significant shifts in global environments, climates, and floras. Although major volcanism is a plausible driver of such global changes, lin...
1) at ∼ 55 Ma before breakup (Peron-Pinvidic et al., 2007; Tucholke and Sibuet, 2007; Soares et al., 2012). Rifting between Nova Scotia and Morocco South of the transform (∼Central segment) was synchronous with the deformation in the North until the Early Jurassic (Deptuck...
The Gulf of Mexico (GOM) is the 9th largest body of water on earth, covering an area of approximately 1.6 million km2 with water depths reaching 4,400 m (14,300'). The basin formed as a result of crustal extension during the early Mesozoic breakup of Pangaea. Rifting occurred from the...
Regional geology The Borborema Province constitutes most of the northeastern portion of Brazil (Almeida et al., 1981) and prior to Gondwana breakup, it extended into West Africa through Benin, Nigeria and Cameroon (Fig. 1a; Brito Neves et al., 2000; Van Schmus et al., 2008). Its ...