We can see this in how Jesus worked miracles only God could do — healing a blind man’s eyes (Mark 10:51-52), commanding a storm to stop (Mark 4:39), multiplying five loaves and two fish to feed 5,000 (Luke 9:16-17), and raising Lazarus from the dead (John 11:43-44). We...
But Jesus did not even have a proper trial and was unjustly condemned to die. His death was the most cruel death anyone could ever have suffered. But He had joy within Him because He thought of the reward of those sufferings - the reward of delivering you and me from the clutches of ...
John 11:45 Then many of the Jews which came to Mary [sister of Lazarus], and had seen the things which Jesus did, believed on him. These were true Israelite Jews like Christ. However even if you are an Edomite, Khazar or even Cane, God will accept your offering if it is humble ...
and for many people it still is. But a vulnerable God is an essential part of the Christian story. We see it in Jesus’ life, from his birth in a manger to his weeping over the death of his friend Lazarus to the anguish in the Garden of Gethsemane, where...
It is also true, that the Apostles and many more were eyewitnesses to the Resurrected Jesus, that they ate and drank with Him, that they touched Him, talked with Him, and more. Why is it that some people desire and even insist to not know God Who is Love and to live with Him forev...
I discovered this doctrine entirely by mistake, while pulling on a string tied to a statement Jesus Christ made in the book of Revelation …. Revelation 2:15: “So hast thou also them that hold the doctrine of the Nicolaitanes, which thing I hate.” Most Christians would want to know ...
For the most part, he found a reason to celebrate the joy of the atonement and the power of Jesus Christ in everything that he did and looked at and dealt with. Meridian: Any last thing you want to say? Heidi:I once asked Elder Richard G. Scott, “If you had to introduce President...
Emma Lazarus, Jewess, wrote the words below in 1883 which the USA was stupid enough to inscribe inside the Statue of Liberty in 1903. Twin cities is Jew York, center of worldwide evil. Note she did not mention Europe, so she did foresee that the unwanted wretched hordes of all the wo...