During this time, Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead, confronted money changers and merchants in the temple, and debated with the high priests who questioned his authority. He told his disciples about the coming days and that Jerusalem’s temple would be destroyed. Meanwhile, the chief priests...
Jesus Raises Lazarus From Death 38 Again feeling very upset, Jesus came to the tomb. It was a cave with a large stone covering the entrance. 39 He said, “Move the stone away.” Martha said, “But, Lord, it has been four days since Lazarus died. There will be a bad smell.” Mart...
When Jesus appears to raise Lazarus from the dead, we'll talk about it in just a minute. And he says to Martha, "Do you believe?" She says very spontaneously, in this sort of emotionally supercharged situation, she says, "Master, I believe that thou art the Christ, the S...
Sure, Jesus could raise Lazarus from the dead, but he also could’ve healed him before he died. But that wasn’t the point – the point was that Mary and Martha BELIEVED that Jesus could do anything and so they saw the Glory of God. Over the past 20 days since daddy first went to...
What lessons can we learn from them today? Jesus and Lazarus - Does Jesus have power over death? Jesus healing - Why was healing so important in Jesus' ministry?* Loaves and fishes: How did Jesus do it? Why did Jesus turn water to wine? Miracles Of Jesus - If one accepts the ...
Lord of mercy, raise up all that is fallen inside of me. I can be so dead sometimes and your presence is what I need. Impart newness of life to my heart. Come and be with me. Amen. Art by Pam Lucey. Scripture from the Living Bible, Tyndale House Meet the Samaritan Leper Featured...
death of Lazarus summoned Him to Bethany, and the mot signal miracle which He there wrought by raising Lazarus from the dead excited such notice that the Sanhedrin now met under the presidency of Cajaphas, and came to the deliberate conclusion that they must put Him to death, lest the ...
We know He was experiencing the emotion of sadness, even though He knew He was about to raise Lazarus from the dead, even though He knew He would be raised from the dead, He still cried. Yet so many Christians say, “Well, if I know I have victory in God, I don’t have to...
‘all in’ when it came to serving Jesus and was very loyal to Him. When Jesus prepared to go back to Jerusalem to raise Lazarus from the dead others tried to discourage Him because of the danger. Thomas was ready to go with Jesus and die with Him if necessary. We don’t know what...
Psalm 12:1-4: “Help, Lord; for the godly man ceaseth; for the faithful fail from among the children of men. They speak vanity every one withRead More The Death Penalty: What the Bible Says (Concise 2024 Version) God’s verdict concerning the death penalty in the Bible is stated clea...