Why did Abraham sacrifice Isaac in the Bible? Was Moses' brother the pharaoh? Who is Pharaoh in the Bible? Why was God angry with Moses? Why is Abraham from the Bible important? Why did God bury Moses? Was Joseph a pharaoh? Who is the pharaoh in the Quran?
52K Learn of the Bible’s Ten Commandments shared among Jews, Christians and Muslims. Explore the Commandments’ themes, their order and some interpretative differences. Related to this QuestionWhy did Moses strike the rock? Why was God angry with Moses? Why did Moses leave Egypt? Why were ...
The reason God made people was so that each ones would be able to give love in their own unique manner in order to make eternity better for themselves and everyone else (see also our free online book:The MYSTERY of GOD’s PLAN: Why Did God Create Anything? Why Did God Make You?). ...
brave, and courageous soldiers will battle and engage with any type of adversity when they are faced with it. David did not run from Goliath when he appeared on the battlefield. He stood
How Did the Name “Beatitudes” Originate The Beatitudes were named from the word translated “blessed” in its Latin root, beatus.“Aristotle used this Greek word to mean ‘divine’ blessedness in contrast to human happiness. It included the idea of not being subject to fate,” according to...
the scriptures. The Book of Mormon often repeats the theme, “Those who keep the commandments will prosper in the land and those who don’t will be cut off from God’s presence.” We interpret this to mean we have some control over what happens to us. If we keep the commandments, we...
What Jesus Taught and Did During His Life Jesus saw himself as a prophet in the line of the above tradition of teachings. When a Pharisee lawyer asked Jesus what are the most important of God’s commandments in the Law, he replied that they are, first, to love God with all one’s he...
When any of us come to Christ for salvation,it is with a sense of oursinand misery before God. Our very need of the Savior arises froma conviction ofsin, brought home to our hearts by the Holy Spirit showing our guilt forviolating God's commandments. As Paul wrote, "I had not known...
What wound did ever heal but by degrees? — William Shakespeare Great patience is called for on the hard path that I have entered on. — Edgar Degas Top 10 Long Suffering Quotes I was a queen, and you took away my crown; a wife, and you killed my husband; a mother, and you ...
If you thought about it, you could probably sum up a good few reasons why the likes of us might actually be following an unofficial religion. So we did. Our list is below, but let us know any extra reasons you can come up with! Remote video URL Every religion has figureheads who guid...