Are the Ten Commandments mentioned in the New Testament? Are the Ten Commandments in the Torah? What covenant did God make with Moses? How many pharaohs are in the Bible? Where are the Ten Commandments found in the New Testament? How many chapters are in Exodus in the Bible? Where are ...
Coram deo: Living before the face of God As an illustration of Luther’s advice, take some time today to pray through the Ten Commandments. Take each stipulation and confess how you have violated that particular law. Worship Him for the perfection of His character revealed in each commandment...
Where did they get such strict regulations for all to follow? From God of course. The Ten Commandments are a list of morals to abide by to be an exceptional person; they are guidelines that help to make good decisions. Although hammered into everyday life, they still manage to be ...
I think sometimes we pray for God to help us, to lead us, and then we walk away trying to do things on our own just as we did before we went to the Father. We need to rest in knowing He is in control even if it’s not an instant answer. I read once in a daily devotional ...
It is now opinions of many biblical scholars and historians that Moses did not write the first five books also known as the Torah or the Pentateuch of the Old Testament which is also known as the Tanakh. There exists a theory that the original authors consisted five different groups all fr...
So what did God do when he asked Him for His knowledge to help rule his people? God did not meet him halfway – He met him all the way! As you will see in the two verses I will list below, God tells Solomon because he did not ask for long life, riches, or the death of his...
Did The Devil Make Me Do It? Did You Ever Mock God? Difficult Emotions Do Miracles Still Happen? Do You Believe In Miracles? Do You Eat Healthy? Do You Enjoy Encouraging Poems? Do You Experience God Often? Do You Fear Failure? Do You Get Distracted Easily? Do You Got Faith? Do You...
Helping one another is something that we, as people, need to understand the actual value of when we do it. When we support one another, we are doing God’s will in our lives through our service to one another. God’s two greatest commands are to love God with all our heart, mind,...
While chastity was preached as the ideal for everyone, women were not only seen as the ulti- mate source of temptation, they were also held to a different standard: "Having had sex did not make a man permanently impure, because men in heterosexual intercourses were not penetrated" (Karras...
“Honor thy father and thy mother,” -The Ten Commandments How to handle your adult children’s disapproval is a tough area to discuss. Estranged relationships between an adult child and parent are almost always skewed but if I were to pick one reason for an adult child’s disapproval of...