Why Dairy Farmers Dumped 43 Million Gallons of Milk This YearMore than 43 million gallons of milk were dumped, lost, ordiscarded by dairy producers and...Iaconangelo, David
There are many misconceptions about the benefits of dairy consumption. While it’s true that milk is a convenient source of protein, fat, vitamins and minerals, not all milk is created equal — and some types of milk are healthier for humans than others. This article will explain why certain...
In Conclusion Eating real food has many benefits. You’ll have a healthier body, help out local farmers and even the environment too. So, start the switch and choose natural, unprocessed food. If you’re interested in learning more about the benefits of eating real food, head over to theH...
Thesupply of chocolatedrivers tends to be the stronger influencer of chocolate’s price volatility. Many commodities are used to manufacture chocolate, and the key ingredient is cocoa. Others such as sugar, dairy products, nuts, corn sweeteners and energy (natural gas and fuel oil) are also nec...
Did you ever playMilton Bradley’s game Town Dump? The object was to bulldoze trash onto your opponent’s property. Unlike the many other quality games from Milton Bradley, this one appears to be rubbish. You may also like:Where every U.S. president went to college ...
An interview with Ash Amirahmadi, cooperatives head of milk and member services at Arla Foods, is presented. Topics discussed include "Support Our Farmers" campaign for farmers, change in the consumer behaviour that encourages farmers to improve crop quality, and minimization of the impact of ...
Aria's response to the milk price crash was to launch a huge marketing campaign last week. The co-op's head of milk and member services Ash Amirahmadi explains what is being done to help its 3,000 British farmers.Charlie Taverner