These days Chinese parents are much more likely to tell their children to drink milk. Dairy companies sponsor the country's Olympic athletes. But dairy products have not become staples. Chinese consumption is largely limited to milk and yogurt. Butter and cheese, which account for lots of milk ...
There's lots of problems in our economy, many of which folks are aware of. Last week and this week I became aware of more such as Wisconsin Dairy Farmers dumping millions of gallons of Milk down the drains. Not enough workers to handle three shift, one shift to be exact as Americans ...
Rabbinge traces the current crisis back to 2006 when the Dutch government ended the system of “mineral bookkeeping” he helped to create. Under that system, farmers measured nitrogen inputs in the form of feed and fertilizer and measured nitrogen out...
Merchant manipulation of scales, transport prices and chiefs’ timing of tax payments are further examples of how the elites widened inequality and created dependency. For example, farmers in the Sahelian savanna sometimes received only 26% of export prices, and Nigerian farmers had to sell their ...