I am a serial procrastinator without a shadow of a doubt. 毫无疑问,我一直是一个拖延症患者。 Why? Why do you think you procrastinate? 为什么?你觉得你为什么拖拉? Over the years, I've told myself that I procrastinate because I work better under pressure. 多年来,我一直告诉自己,我之所以拖延...
I want to work all day while listening to nothing but birds and wind in the trees.I want an intentional lack of distractions, far far away, to cure my tendency to say yes to intellectually stimulating events.So the answer was clear.I moved to New Zealand’s South Island.Here I am.“...
And you're the only one personally that can answer that question for yourself, you've got to have your own list of whys. Here's what I want you to do when you go home after you've left this extravaganza, work on your list of whys. One of the big thrust for success is to come...
The only time Lynch had a different answer was when he was asked what music he'll listen to pregame before facing the New England Patriots on Sunday at the Super Bowl. He said: "It's a new song. Marshawn. You know why I'm here." On Tuesday, Lynch repeated: "I'm just here so ...
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Sweaty-palm, because I'm always nervous before I enter the classroom, sure that I will be found out for the fool that I am. Sinking-stomach, because I leave the classroom an hour later convinced that I was even more boring than usual. Nor do I tea...
I am a quiet girl. I like to keep my secrets. I think nobody can really understand me except myself. So I never tell others when I’m in trouble. Li Yan 【小题1】Zhang Hao likes to talk with his ___ when in trouble. A.parentsB.classmates...
Who Am I and Why Am I Here? the Answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe and Everything Is Simple in Comparison to One Posed Daily in the Workplace. Chris Ball Asks: What Is a Worker?Byline: CHRIS BALL OF all the points employment lawyers pore over, the issue of ...
Yes, but, OK – what am I doing now? 是的,但是,好吧,我现在在做什么? Oh yes, hang on – yes, you've set meoff - yawning, yes yawning is a sign that weare tired! Or bored! 哦,是的,等等——是的,你触发了我做那件事——打哈欠,是的,打哈欠是我们累了或者感到无聊的一个标志。
When I am directly calling my resource server, the bearer-token is accepted. That makes sense, because the api-gateway is not doing anything else, than relaying my access-token to the resource-server, so he can do the necessary token introspection. After some research, I...