Do-whatever-you-want free HD photos. Gifted by the world's most generous community of photographers.
Virtually all of my iPhone photos are quick snaps of transient life moments, from special family times that I want to save, to quirky observations worthy of sharing (like a dinosaur riding in the back of a pickup on Highway 99), to simply saving things I don’t want to forget (for e...
Pixabay is a vibrant community of creatives, sharing royalty-free images, videos, audio and other media. All content is released by Pixabay under the Content License, which makes it safe to use without asking for permission or giving credit to the artist - even for certain commercial purposes....
I tried to remove a tash from a picture of my brother. I got a warning saying it was against the rules ? Why ? Votes 9 Upvotes Translate Translate Report Report Zesty_wanderlust15A7 Advocate, May 23, 2023 Copy link to clipboard
“Today is gonna be a good day, and here’s why; because today at least you’re you and that’s enough.” “Love is the only force capable of transforming an enemy into a friend.”―Martin Luther King, Jr. “The best and most beautiful things in this world cannot be seen or even...
This is why it’s beneficial to use an email template and insert your content, rather than simply uploading an image and using it as your entire email campaign. One of the best ways to make sure your email can be viewed as you intended it to be, is to add a “View as webpage” ...
I got a work colleague to try the same thing on a garden picture only to get the same thing. It seems as though the word "zombie" is enough to trigger the AI warning. Given zombies are part of poular culture, why does Adobe AI not like them?
Video: This tiny shape-shifting robot can melt its way out of a cage 01:08 Hear why this teacher says schools should embrace ChatGPT, not ban it 01:29 'Make my dad famous': A daughter's quest to showcase her dad's artwork
Volume mounting is done in the context of the host machine, not the build container. For example: Shell Copy to clipboard docker run --rm -t -i -v $(pwd)/src:/home/app/src test-image:latest run_app_tests You do not need to include the docker:24.0.5-dind service, like you do...
I am using a Toradex board and I am working on the Toradex branch toradex_4.14-2.3.x-imx (git://, I have included here some debug message from the device drivers when I running an application to read images using V4L2: [ ...