The goal of mindfulness meditations is to help you connect with your breath and concentrate on the here and now. When compulsive sexual behaviors start to interfere with your everyday life, you may benefit from using this strategy to deal with sexual addiction. Some people use meditation to mim...
“In fact, some women may even notice the opposite and become constipated during their period.” Is it Normal to Have Diarrhea Whilst on Your Period? It’s completely normal. As we mentioned, it’s a common complaint among many women. But if you find that you have severe diarrhea and/...
To start, add one raw meal a day to your regimen. It can be a green smoothie or a big salad. Eat something you've never tried before. I attempted to add one new thing every day until I found enough things I liked to repeat. I now have an entire cookbook worth of recipes that ar...
In 2009, out of the blue I started experiencing weird bowel and GI issues. I noticed that I was bloated everyday, began having abdominal pain, and suddenly was finding myself chronically constipated (as you can tell, this is going to be a fun story). As a person who ate healthy my e...
Or “I am returning to my home planet ofKzzphlachin 3 of your normal “hu-man” hours, I would like for you to return with me and become my breeding mate.” That’s it. (So much for a step by step plan, that’s pretty much just one step. Sorry for beingso convenient.) ...
Start writing THAT every day and you may have some real talking points. Otherwise, you’re just whistling past the graveyard in a banana republic. Anonymous May 1, 2010 at 10:54 am Simon still does not get it. Obama and his shill Dodd are in the pockets of the banksters. Remember:...