If you’re bloated, constipated, or lethargic—you won’t want to have sex. You most likely just want to sit on the couch and watchThe Simpsons. Why? Because your body is full of crap and it is cockblocking you. But if you’re constantly horny, not wanting to have sex isn’t the...
Back story I always feel hungry, have done for as long as I can remember. I always say I don’t deserve to be this fat and this proves it. I am not following a diet as such. Just being more accountable for my choices. I have lost zero weight and feel constipated. ...
“In fact, some women may even notice the opposite and become constipated during their period.” Is it Normal to Have Diarrhea Whilst on Your Period? It’s completely normal. As we mentioned, it’s a common complaint among many women. But if you find that you have severe diarrhea and/...
Even when he was exclusively nursing just a little bit of gluten in my diet would constipated him like crazy. Also I’m curious; does butter work for your family or do you use other fats? to MamaV" aria-label='reply to this comment to MamaV'>reply to this comment Molly It’s ama...
Having recently been in India, I mailed away for a home test stool sample kit, spent three incredibly fun days hand scooping fecal matter into test tubes, and then mailed it back to the lab. Negative. Damn. How Do Eskimos on a No Fiber Diet Not Get Constipated?
Is his tummy upset from something in mom's diet if she is breastfeeding or new solid foods that have been introduced? If your baby is formula fed he may be constipated (uncommon with breastfeeding). HealthySleep Habits, Happy Childstates that until 21 months of age,some babies appear to ...
One day, they arrived with a container of orange juice and some glycerin suppositories. It seemed the boy had force fed the baby both baby powder and baby oil. The baby was totally constipated. They claimed the doctor told them to feed a 6-month-old nothing but ...
I've been feeling constipated, but whether or not that's related I don't know. I think it's just a coincidence. I'm hoping nothing gets worse but, so far, in comparison to the majority of people who have posted here, I'm feeling much better. The last tetanus I had had was abo...
However, there’s one other problem: people who are constipated are often told to “drink more water.” Fact or fiction? #2 Water Does Not Help With Constipation (Your Poop 101) So, in our juicy story above I talked about how I was blocked up tighter than the gates of Troy. And it...
Last but not least of the reasons to buy a Chromebook is their durability. Admittedly, some of the early models were a little flimsy since manufacturers used cheap materials. I had one which I had to replace due to the hinge breaking. However, that was after using it every day for almost...