§ 全麦面包(whole wheatbread) 看到这你全明白了,原来whole wheatbread就是whole grain食品中的一种啊,whole grain bread可不一定就是全麦面包啊,因为此“麦”非彼“麦”,wheat指的就是小麦,而燕麦、大麦、黑麦等等都是whole grain。有一点wise geek说对了,同样大小的whole grain面包比whole wheat重量要沉,吃...
全谷物面包 whole grain 全麦面包whole wheat算是全谷物面包的一种,就是用完完整整的谷物磨成粉做出来的面包。全谷物面包呈现出棕色,比白面包吃起来口感要粗糙许多。但是比白面包的纤维更丰富,维生素含量也更多。是更加优质的碳水化合物,很多健身人士都会选择全麦面包。 杂粮面包 multigrain 除了小麦粉还会添加一些其...
When trying to add more whole grains, you need to know which ones to choose. Whole-wheat and whole-grain products are everywhere, but which are best?
1. 含全谷物的;全谷物制作的made with or containing whole grains, for example of wheat 例句 释义: 全部,含全谷物的,全谷物制作的,全麦,芥末酱,全麦粒做的 更多例句筛选 1. Stock up on some healthy snacks: wholegrain cereal bars, dried fruit and nuts, easy-to-eat fruit like bananas, apples...
Whole Grain Bread Like whole wheat bread, whole grain bread is made up of fully intact grains. In addition to wheat, whole grain bread can include other whole grains, such as whole barley, brown rice, whole grain oats, and rolled oats, among others (all of which are rich in fiber, vit...
a loaf of bread is a loaf of bread. One or two may recognise that wholemeal has health benefits over white bread but out of these few would be able to pin point these benefits. And ask most people what the differences between Whole Meal, Whole Grain, Whole Wheat and Refined White Bread...
Whole grain, not whole wheat, is a better choiceANDREW WEIL
Define Whole grain. Whole grain synonyms, Whole grain pronunciation, Whole grain translation, English dictionary definition of Whole grain. or whole wheat adj. 1. Made from the entire grain of wheat, including the bran: whole-wheat flour. 2. Made with wh