Two semitones (two half steps/half tones) make up one whole tone (one whole step). Pick a key on your keyboard and move one half step to the right, then another half step to the right. There you have it: a distance of a whole tone. You can move two half steps to the left as...
Important: Two pitches that are right next to each other on the piano often do not make a half-step. For example, the white piano keys A and B are "next to each other", but they don't make a half-step, because the black key A♯/B♭ is between them in pitch.Here are some...
A half step, or semitone, is the smallest interval between notes in Western music. Notes that are directly next to each other—such as E and F, or A sharp and B—are a half step apart. Two half steps equal one whole step. The notes G and A are one whole step apart, as are ...
The interval (gap) between A and B is a whole-step, because it DulcimerCrossing General Music Theory Lesson 5 Steve Eulberg Whole & Half Steps steve@dulcimercrossing includes both the half-step from a to A# and the half-step from A# ...
“half steps” in musical terms. Half steps are like the frets on the guitar. Each fret represents a half step interval between notes. Whole steps are the like white keys on the piano that have a black key in between them. (Two half steps make up a whole step.) These are like the...
Synonyms for whole step in Free Thesaurus. Antonyms for whole step. 3 synonyms for whole step: whole tone, step, tone. What are synonyms for whole step?
Define whole step. whole step synonyms, whole step pronunciation, whole step translation, English dictionary definition of whole step. n. Music The interval of a major second, or two semitones, in the standard diatonic scale. Also called whole tone . Ame
Three half-step intervals: between C and C sharp (or D flat); between E and F; and between G sharp (or A flat) and A. Listento the half steps inFigure 4.8. The intervals inFigure 4.8look different on astaff; sometimes they are on the same line, sometimes not. But it is clear ...
Origin ofwhole step1 First recorded in1895–1900 Discover More Compare Meanings How doeswhole stepcompare to similar and commonly confused words? Explore the most common comparisons: whole step vs. half step Word of the Day [moon-struhk]
Pentatonic Scale Definition: A five tone scale (not including octave) that contains no half steps. Working Definition: In any Major key, write out the. Different Name - Sounds the Same. Definitions # - Sharp Raises the Pitch ½ step b - FlatLowers the Pitch ½ step - NaturalCancels ou...