half step in the Music topic by Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English | LDOCE | What you need to know about Music: words, phrases and expressions | Music
A semitone (half step or half tone) is the smallest interval in Western music. It is the shortest distance between two keys on your piano. It can be from black to white, white to black or white to white key, for example C# to D, F# to G and B to C, respectively. As long as ...
How many semitones in an octave? How many semitones in a perfect 4th? What is a half step in music? How many hz in a semitone? What is a semitone? What is a diatonic semitone? How many cents equal a semitone? Which notes are whole and half on a musical scale?
The interval (gap) between A and B is a whole-step, because it DulcimerCrossing General Music Theory Lesson 5 Steve Eulberg Whole & Half Steps steve@dulcimercrossing includes both the half-step from a to A# and the half-step from A# ...
RegisterLog in Sign up with one click: Facebook Twitter Google Share on Facebook half-step Thesaurus Encyclopedia Wikipedia n (Music, other)musicUSandCanadiananother word forsemitone Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998...
RegisterLog in Sign up with one click: Facebook Twitter Google Share on Facebook half step (redirected fromhalf steps) Thesaurus Encyclopedia Related to half steps:Diatonic semitone n. 1.MusicSeesemitone. 2.A marching step of 15 inches (38 centimeters) at quick time and 18 inches (46 centim...
half step 英[hɑ:f step] 美[hæf stɛp] 释义 n. 小步,快步 实用场景例句 全部 We may proudly say: A Zhai Zhiganghalf step, a Chinese's stride. 我们可以自豪地说: 翟志刚的一小步, 中国人的一大步. 期刊摘选 I will not leave you ahalf step....
In the language of music theory, a step is the distance between notes of different pitches. A half step, or semitone, is the smallest interval between notes in Western music. Notes that are directly next to each other—such as E and F, or A sharp and B—are a half step apart. Two...
For example, the white piano keys A and B are "next to each other", but they don't make a half-step, because the black key A♯/B♭ is between them in pitch.Here are some example half-steps:A to B♭B to C: Neighboring white keys do make a half-step if there's no ...
sounds. Musicians often find it useful to talk about how much higher or lower one note is than another. This distance between two pitches is called theintervalbetween them. InWestern music, the small interval from one note to the next closest note higher or lower is called ahalf steporsemi...