Performde novoassembly and variant detection on the Illumina® MiSeq®, HiSeq®, or NovaSeq™ with optimal throughput and low cost per base. Extraction through data analysis is available. Long-Read Whole Genome Sequencing Long-read sequencing on the PacBio® Sequel® delivers up to 60...
Introducing Illumina Complete Long Reads This novel technology will bright more light to even the darkest corners of the genome. Illumina Complete Long Reads helps resolve the most challenging regions of the genome and makes long-read sequencing accessible and streamlined by enabling short and long re...
3. Sequencing Sequence 2x150 bp on Illumina® platform 4. Data Analysis Identify SNVs, INDELs, gene fusions, and CNVs Seamless and Efficient Funding GENOMICS PREPAYMENT TRY TODAY Related Services Whole Genome Sequencing Targeted Sequencing
Whole-genome sequencing is suitable for the study of disease-specific genomic abnormalities from cfDNA. TheInvitrogen Collibri PS DNA Library Prep Kit for Illumina Systemsenables consistent and reproducible cfDNA library prepar...
Total RNA Sequencing Workflow Illumina sequencing by synthesis (SBS) chemistry is the most widely adopted next-generation sequencing (NGS) technology, producing approximately 90% of global sequencing data.* In addition to high-quality data, Illumina offers integrated whole-transcriptome sequencing workflows...
The decreasing cost of resequencing provides opportunities to unravel genomic characteristics, phylogenetic relationship and selective signals in various goat breeds. For example, the whole-genome re-sequencing of 44 Moroccan goats found 24 million variants with low linkage disequilibrium (Benjelloun et al...
This study focuses on identifying the costs associated with the standard sequencing process, and the procedure costs for a single WGS were analyzed on the basis of two sequencing platforms—namely, HiSeq2500 and HiSeq Xten, both by Illumina, Inc. In addition, sensitivity analyses were performed ...
QuickBiology is a fully automated, high-throughput genomic center equipped with all major next generation sequencing. QB provides state-of-the-art genomics technologies, comprehensive services, specialized expertise enabling these services in a cost-effe
Until recently, the scope of sequencing projects was limited by the cost and throughput of Sanger sequencing. The raw data for the three billion base (3 gigabase (Gb)) human genome sequence, completed in 2004 (ref. 1), was generated over several years for ∼$300 million using several ...
Standard library preparation was according to the manufacturer’s instructions (described in the Chromium Genome User Guide Rev A) to construct sample-indexed libraries using 10x Genomics adaptors and to add the p5 and p7 sequences for Illumina sequencing. After quantification using qPCR (KAPA ...