Whole exome sequencing works by using capture probes (synthesized oligonucleotides) or baits designed to specifically hybridize the exons (coding portions of genes), rather than enriching all the genomic DNA. Library preparation comes next, wherein sequencing adapters are added to the enriched protein-...
Recommended products—curated for whole exome sequencing A tested solution—takes you from sample to sequencer Flexible sizing—available for 16 or 96 reactions Enzymatic fragmentation—no need for specialized equipment for library preparation Individually synthesized probes—quality-controlled probes, manufac...
The purified capture products were then amplified to make whole exome libraries. The qualified libraries were subjected to 150 base paired-end sequencing on the Illumina NovaSeq instrument. The Genome Analysis Toolkit (GATK) was used to call variants in the sequencing data. All the statistical ...
Whole Genome Sequencingis able to produce large volumes of genetic data while Whole Exome Sequencing only covers 2% of the genome but contains approximately 85% of known diseases-related variants1. Requirements Results Shipping Methodology Sample Requirements ...
Exome sequencing is a targeted sequencing approach that is restricted to the protein-coding regions of genomes. The exome is estimated to encompass approximately 1% of the genome, yet contains approximately 85% of disease-causing mutations [1]. For genetic re...
Learn about what whole exome sequencing is, why it’s important, and how it’s furthering discoveries in cancer research.
Multiple sample whole exome sequencing analysis is done in ArrayStar. Variant samples can be compared and filtered into sets of interest using customizable tables, a filter wizard, Venn diagram, heat map or scatter plot. How many exomes can I compare simultaneously? At least 100 human exome dat...
The study screened a cohort of patients (n = 167) with primary male infertility in contrast to 210 normally fertile men using whole exome sequencing (WES). The expression analysis of the candidate genes based on public single cell sequencing data was performed using the R language Seurat ...
Whole-exome sequencing of cell-free DNA (cfDNA) could enable comprehensive profiling of tumors from blood but the genome-wide concordance between cfDNA and tumor biopsies is uncertain. Here we report ichorCNA, software that quantifies tumor content in cfDNA from 0.1× coverage whole-genome sequenci...
Whole exome sequencing workflow WES is a type of targeted next-generation sequencing (NGS). As with all NGS protocols, sequencing libraries must be prepared with genetic material from the sample of interest. Then, target enrichment captures the exomes of interest before sequencing. ...