Study was annotated as a WB-MRI with the modifier “neck-chest-abdomen-pelvis.” (A) Coronal T2 HASTE (half-Fourier acquisition single-shot turbo spin-echo) MR demonstrates several serpiginous, intermediate signal intensity structures (arrows) coursing through the mesentery. (B) Subsequently and...
The examinations were conducted with the patient in the supine position (examinations involving simultaneous abdominal-pelvic CT scans were conducted with the patient in the prone position and with intestinal preparation), both arms raised. The scanning range included at least the entire abdomen. A ...
CT was undertaken of the chest, abdomen and pelvis with intravenous contrast according to standard local departmental protocol either within the same institution or at the patients’ local hospital. Bone scintigraphy was performed on gamma cameras where patients were imaged 3 hours after injection with...
A subcutaneous adipose tissue biopsy was taken from the lower part of the abdomen after local epidermal anaesthesia with lidocaine (Xylocaine; AstraZeneca, Södertälje, Sweden) and samples were snap-frozen in liquid nitrogen and stored at −80 °C until metabolic profiling analysis. Next, ...
However, at this time, no tumour markers and only relatively insensitive imaging techniques have been used, such as X-ray of the thorax, scintigraphy and ultrasound of the abdomen. It is well known from the literature that new techniques such as whole-body MRI as well as FDG-PET/CT can ...
Body composition analysis on CT images is a valuable tool for sarcopenia assessment. We aimed to develop and validate a deep neural network applicable to whole-body CT images of PET-CT scan for the automatic volumetric segmentation of body composition. Methods For model development, one hundred wh...
We demonstrate that the new staining protocol enables sharp delineation of the vessel walls in three dimensions over the whole body; corresponding histological analysis verified that the CT stain is localized primarily in the endothelial cells and media of large arteries and the endothelium of smaller...
tomography (CT) or contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) supplemental to the clinical and endoscopic findings for the local staging routine, leaning slightly to MRI due to its better soft tissue depiction. To rule out distant metastases, a thoracoabdominal CT scan is recommended [1,...
sequences, those that used T1-weighted structured imaging of the brain and a gradient-echo sequence for R2* mapping obtained the highest scientific output; regarding specific body parts examined, most scientific publications focused on MR sequences involving the brain and the (upper) abdomen. We...
Location of malignant uptake was classified at the same time into, (A) head-and-neck, (B) chest, (C) abdomen, (D) pelvic region. Different predictions were derived for each location [73]. In another research work [74], a simple CNN model with an equivalent configuration to VGG, that...