who hastens to tell the king about it, and the consternation of the king when he listens for the first time in his life to the reading of the book, and discovers how grievously its commandments have been disobeyed, form one of the most striking scenes of the old history. “How are we...
Flavius Josephus, a Jewish historian (A.D. 38-100), wrote about Jesus in hisJewish Antiquities.From Josephus, "we learn that Jesus was a wise man who did surprising feats, taught many, won over followers from among Jews and Greeks, was believed to be the Messiah, was accused by the Je...
aJesus was followed by St. Paul, Socrates by Plato, Confucius by Mencius, and Laotse by Chuangtse. In all four cases, the first was the real teacher and either wrote no books or wrote very little, and the second began to develop the doctrines and wrote long and profound discourses. Chua...
Matthewis one of the12 apostles of Jesus, and one of the four evangelists who wrote down Jesus’s story. When we meet Matthew, he’s a tax collector for Rome. Tax collectors weren’t very popular in Israel, because they collected money from fellow Jews to pay a heathen king. But when...
While we recognize Judaism pre-existed (and gave birth to) Christianity, Judaism has also had over two-thousand years to consider and respond to the claims of Christ. Much has been written about Jesus from a Jewish perspective, most interestingly by those early Jews who described Jesus in the...
Before asking the question “who wrote the Bible,” it is important to distinguish between two “Bibles,” the Hebrew Bible and the New Testament. The New Testament, the story of Jesus, is not part of the Jewish religion. So the question of authorship is irrelevant. In Judaism, only the...
1. JESUS IS GOD. John wrote about Him: In the beginning was the Word [poetic description of Jesus], and the Word was with God and the Word was God (John 1:1 ESV). He created the world and all that is in it (John 1:3). The religious leaders of his time understood that Jesus...
Upcoming “Mysteries of the Bible” installments include “The Execution of Jesus” on April 14, a two-hour biography of Jesus on April 16 and “The Shreds of Evidence,” about the Shroud of Turin, alleged to be the burial cloth of Jesus, on April 21. ...
To learn more about the women who followed Jesus, see this article by Dr. Camille Fronk Olson, or this one by Dr. Catherine Gines Taylor. In addition, I highly recommend the book, Women of the New Testament by Dr. Camille Fronk Olson. My wife Lani and I also wrote a short Liahona ...
Jesus Christ: The meeting place of eternity and time, the blending of deity and humanity, the junction of heaven and earth - Anonymous Missionary Resources We have some excellent missionary resources about Jesus Christ, view ourMissionary Resourcesnow!