A friend of mine named Tim was preaching recently and he said that thanks to what Jesus has done for us through his life, death, and resurrection we are called to be “a force of reconciliation.” I really like this image. At first glance it’s an odd juxtaposition. The word “force...
Paul, you are so ignorant. It’s the altar that opens the way to experience the Presence of Jesus, who is no longer a human only after his death and resurrection. At least pray to him and see. Go to church. Mallaiyuran/August 28, 2024 Paul, Are you sure gentlemen like you were n...
not as a group, but as individuals. Jesus, when asked about the greatest commandments answered, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind…the second is
In the first day pattern, rest comes first. We rest to realign our heart, our soul, our behavior, and our lifestyle with the risenJesus (who rose from the dead on the first day of the week) so that He can work His resurrection power in and through us all week long. “Come to Me...
Jesus Christ Only is a collection of sermons, articles & illustrations to help you understand the unique person of Jesus Christ the Son of God. Visit Jesus Christ Only
Jesus again told them to go ahead and tell His brothers to go to Galilee, and they will see Jesus there! In the midst of this exciting and amazing news of great joy, the chief priests and the elders continued to plot how to lie about Jesus’ resurrection. How stone hearted they must ...
Resurrection, Rihanna, Robert Downey Jr, Ronaldino, Ronaldo, Sacrament, Sacrament Meeting, Sacred Music, Saint, Savior of the World, Second Coming, Shiba Inu, Spirit World, Steph Curry, Taylor Swift, Temple, Testimony of Christ, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, The Jesus Chris...
The Catholic belief is: on February 22, 1931, the Lord Jesus Christ appeared to Faustina Kowalska with amessage of mercyfor all mankind. Saint Faustina recorded in her diary the following about the Divine Mercy image, as she believed was given by the Lord Jesus himself: ...
Jesus replied, “You are in error because you do not know the Scriptures or the power of God. At the resurrection people willneither marry nor be given in marriage; they will be like the angels in heaven. (Matthew 22:29-30) There are some who believe that based on...