However, apart from Isaiah and Jeremiah, no other prophets of whom we have literary works in the Hebrew Bible feature in the Chronicler's version of history. Numerous other prophets, however, not known from the Hebrew Bible are mentioned and quoted. And this happens in a time when, ...
Who were the Old Testament prophets? Who is Esther in the Old Testament? Who is raised from the dead in the Old Testament? Who are the priests in the Old Testament? Who is resurrected in the Old Testament? Who is Demas in the New Testament?
In Christian Bibles, Daniel is honoured as the fourth of the so-called “greater” prophets (rather than placed among the “minor” prophets). The original Hebrew Bible (Tanakh) is comprised of the Torah (first five books of Moses), Nevi’im (Prophets) and Ketuv’im (Writings). Together ...
/ When Israel took hold of you with their hands, you splintered, tearing all their shoulders; when they leaned on you, you broke, and their backs were wrenched.2 Kings 17:13-14Yet through all His prophets and seers, the LORD warned Israel and Judah, saying, “Turn from your wicked ...
The Hebrew is, "not against thee--thee--to-day," The versions appear to have read 'att?h, "thee," with different points as 'otheh, "coming." (Comp. Syriac, othe 'n-, "come I.") But against the house . . . war.--A strange expression. (Comp. 1Chronicles 18:10.) ...
THE EARLIER HEBREW HISTORIES. We found reasons, in previous chapters, for believing that considerable portions of the Levitical legislation came from the hands of Moses, although the narratives of the Pentateuch and many of its laws were put into their present form long after the time of Moses...
The prophets, especially Isaiah spoke about the deadliness of wealth, but there was that one verse in Proverbs that really disturbed me: “Your riches won’t help you on Judgment Day; only righteousness counts then.” This verse and all of the others were the cause of many a sleepless ...
"Deuteronomy 18:18, one Prophet will be sent from the Jews' cousins who will be the final Messenger. The word "awkh" means both brother and cousin, in Hebrew. The verse doesn't say the Prophet will come from YOU! It says from your cousins. In Deuteronomy 2:4, 2:8, "awkh" was...
Well, it seems he is and is not ashamed of it, leading a Jewish passover seder at the White House… putting it on the Internet for all to see. The passover Haggadah is written in both Hebrew and English. I wonder which language they are singing the passover hymns in? Have a BI...
God, who at sundry times and in divers manners spake in time past unto the fathers by the prophets, Hath in these last days spoken unto us by his