Solomon (; Hebrew: שְׁלֹמֹה, Shlomoh), also called Jedidiah (Hebrew יְדִידְיָהּ Yedidyah), was, according to the Hebrew Bible, Old Testament, Quran, and Hadiths, a fabulously wealthy and wise king of Israel who succeeded his father, Kin...
Herod I (Greek: Ἡρῴδης, Hērṓidēs; Hebrew: הוֹרְדוֹס, Hōrəḏōs) (c. 72 BCE – c. 4 BCE) was a Roman Jew who ruled as the king of Judea from around 37 BCE until his death in 4 BCE. He is best known for his role in the ...
An on line academic journal devoted exclusively to the study of Kabbalah, published in French, English or Hebrew. Bluethread A neutral place to study Torah, Mitzvot and their meaning to Reform Jews. Orthodox Union Central coordinating agency for American and Canadian Orthodox Jewish congregations...
Because people are made in the image of God, life has value. Murder is an intentional act that says that a person’s life has no value compared to another’s priorities. Interestingly, God did not say, “Do not kill.” Hebrew has nuances that consider the difference between murder, ...
Amen is a declaration of affirmation found in the Hebrew Bible and New Testament. Amen may also refer to: Albums: We Have Come for Your Parents, Slave, Pisstory: A Catalogue of Accidents/A Lifetime of Mistakes, Amen, Death Before Musick Amerie Hip hop music, New Wave, Pop music Amer...
“What Is Prophecy? An Ancient NearEastern Perspective,”inInspired Speech: Prophecy inthe AncientNear East,FSH.B.Huffmon (ed. J. Kaltner and L. Stulman; JSOTSup372;London:T&TClark, 2004)17–37.“The Dubious Image of Prophecy”,inProphets, Prophecy,and PropheticTextsinSecondTemple Judaism(eds...
“Now and then I am asked as to ‘what books a statesman should read,’ and my answer is, poetry and novels – including short stories under the head of novels. I don’t mean that he should read only novels and modern poetry. If he cannot also enjoy the Hebrew prophets and the Gre...
The Lord Bishop of Cape Town in the Supreme Court of the Colony of the Cape of Good Hope GBP 15.001318821728 ELSAS A., Die skandinavischen Plagioklasgesteine und Phonolith aus dem mecklenburgischen Diluvium EUR 12.001318821729 SCHUR W., Bestimmung der Masse des Planeten Jupiter aus Heliometer...
One of the most disputed and yet still understood portions of the Hebrew Bible are the Twelve Prophets and their relationship to one another. Standing in the midst of a constantly invaded and divided kingdom, the Twelve begin with statements to every corner of the empire on the duty of ...
Prophets—Former (Hebrew); Historical (Protestant, Catholic, Orthodox) Author Unknown Timeline The events of 1 and 2 Samuel took place between the years ca. 1105 -971 BC; between the birth of Samuel (1 Sam. 1:1-28), to the last words of David (2 Sam. 23:1-7)...