WIRED Logo How the Guy Who Played Jar Jar Binks Survived the Fandom Menace Click to share this story on Facebook Click to share this story on Twitter Click to email this story Click to comment on this story. (will open new tab) AHMED BEST HAS MADE PEACE
How the Guy Who Played Jar Jar Survived the Fandom MenaceBrian Raftery
1. Jar-Jar Binks Widely considered by many to be the worstStar Warscharacter ever, Jar-Jar Binks became a hate magnet for disappointedStar Warsfans worldwide after the release ofThe Phantom Menace. The prequels have been torn apart by the internet at large, but there have been some interes...
Darth Vader is the meanest sonofabitch in this galaxy. Whenever he walks around he’s accompanied by the Imperial Death March song. He’s voiced by James Earl Jones but not played by him because I don’t think anyone would be scared of Darth Vader if he was shaped like kindly old James...