episode.329不是评测,只是简单的交流分享, 视频播放量 820、弹幕量 4、点赞数 57、投硬币枚数 9、收藏人数 4、转发人数 1, 视频作者 流石玖之柒, 作者简介 长的是磨难,短的是人生。,相关视频:孩之宝 星球大战 6寸 奇特•费斯托 绝地大师,孩之宝 星球大战 6寸 安纳金
Jar Jar Binks was the first character to be developed for Episode I, in part because of the ...
" ―Jar Jar Binks, to CT-7567 "Rex"[14]Jedi Master Laan Tik was the commander of the Battle of Mimban. When Tik died, Binks took command. Several hours later, Binks saved Clone Captain CT-7567 "Rex" using Laan Tik's lightsaber. At first, Rex thought it was Laan Tik, but Binks ...
Star Wars actor Ahmed Best, who first played Jar Jar Binks in the Prequel Trilogy but more recently portrayed Jedi Master Kelleran Beq in The Mandalorian, wants to make a film that's essentially "Jedi John Wick."
The actor behind Jar Jar Binks almost killed himself because his character was so unpopularAlexandra Ma
Jar Jar Binks / Gungan TranslatorAnd they do not like the Gungans. The Naboo think they are smarter than us. Generate Random Sentence Send English to Gungan This translator converts regular English into the Gungan slang/dialect spoken by Jar Jar Binks and other Gungan's in the Star Wars...
星球大战里的一个人物。 佳佳·宾克斯(Jar Jar Binks)在纳布星球出生 48 BBY 将来的义军领袖
Posted6 个月前 Reblog This The album that Sufjan produced for John Legend, “My Favorite Dream”, is out today. You can listen to ithere. On producing the album, Sufjan said recently to theLA Times; “One of the main reasons I decided to do John’s album is because I hadn’t been...
See Jar Jar Binks Allen's contact, representation, publicist, and legal information. Explore Jar Jar Binks Allen's credits, follow attached in-development titles, and track popularity with STARmeter. IMDbPro — The essential resource for entertainment pr