the company competitive, and almost defiantly announced, The last thing IBM needs right now is a vision. Who Says Elephants Can't Dance? tells the story of IBM's competitive and cultural transformation. In his own words, Gerstner offers a blow-by-blow account of his arrival at the company ...
He remained chairman of the board through the end of 2002. Before joining IBM, Mr. Gerstner served for four years as chairman and CEO of RJR Nabisco, Inc. This was preceded by an eleven-year career at the American Express Company, where he was president of the parent company and chairman...
Celebrities, including Kim Kardashian and Justing Bieber, are some of the stars who have taken to social media in an effort to secure the return of discontinued foods – details
Tylenol was the target of atampering casein the Chicago area that killed seven people when it was determined the product had been laced with cyanide. Johnson & Johnson’s response is considered the gold standard in handling such a crisis. The company put out mass...
ICE CREAM: I scream! You scream! We all scream! For ice cream! A man who allegedly stole anywhere from eight to ten pints of Häagen-Dazs is lucky police happened to be chasing him down the block.
bring in shoppers. what makes this dependence on hits and fourth-quarter sales even scarier is that hits can come from any corner of the industry. witness the beanie babies craze, which was perpetrated by ty inc., a little-known, privately held illinois company. the giants of the industry ...
lorillard became an immense cash bonanza for the loews corporation—the parent company controlled by tisch and his brother, robert—earning approximately $700 million a year. for several of tisch’s friends, a key to his personality can be found in the controversy that tore apart new york ...
Gerstner served for four years as chairman and chief executive officer of RJR Nabisco, Inc. This was preceded by an 11-year career at American Express Company, where he was president of the parent company and chairman and CEO of its largest subsidiary, American Express Travel Related Services ...
Who says elephants can't dance?: how i turned around ibm is the story of a turnaround of ibm, after it was close to shutting down in 1993. Close to its extinction, louis gerstner, the author of the book, was brought in. When people inside and outside the organization kept making ...