RJR Nabisco and Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co. (KKR):The RJR Nabisco takeover battle in the late 1980s became famous for its intensecompetitionbetween bidders. KKR launched a hostile takeover attempt, and RJR Nabisco’smanagementexplored alternative strategies, including a potential leveraged buyout....
I no longer purchase products from giant companies like Kelloggs, Nabisco, ConAgra, etc. In order for them to mass produce their crap and protect their profits they use mass produced ingredients (like GMO corn, wheat, and soy)and additives (BHT!). I would advise everyone to start shopping ...
But this isn’t a coal mine in Alabama, or a Nabisco plant, or an Amazon warehouse. This is Starbucks, the longtime bastion of progressive capitalism, the progenitor of groundbreaking people-first policies, the first company to offer stock to even part-time employees. (That’s why Starbucks...
Very few companies have been able to sustain a "low price" position in the marketplace. Sears couldn't. K-Mart couldn't. And now it remains to be seen what Wal-Mart does with that position. (Actually if you study Wal-Mart you'll notice they are bringing in some significantly high-...
Nabisco gave the world its first taste of Oreos in 1912 and as of last year had sold 450 billion of the sandwich cookies. How do you eat your Oreos? Debate has always swirled around whether Oreos should be eaten as a whole or twisted open into two halves, and whether the creme filling...
Nabisco’s Chips Ahoy! cookies were introduced in 1963. The advertising campaign claimed their taste was as good as homemade. The name is a reference to the “Ships ahoy!” alert used by sailors. #83. Google Pixabay #83. Google
The situation had become so serious that the board of directors considered breaking up IBM into several companies that would be better able to dollars. The explosive growth of personal computer networks threatened IBM's lucrative mainframe and minic...
While the two companies continue to be fierce competitors, General Motors handily beats Ford for the next four or five decades. Ford does not allow outsiders (the public) to own stock in the company until 1956, after Henry’s death. Both companies rise to new challenges as Toyota, Honda, ...
A principal investor can be an individual, but most often, it’s firms that choose to invest their capital in businesses for a potentially significant financial return. A well-known example isCarl Icahn, who has taken significant stakes in companies to influence their strategic direction, including...
Who Is Carl Icahn? Carl Icahn is one of Wall Street's most successful figures. In the 1980s, thiscorporate raider—using Drexel Burnham's junk bonds—became known as a vulture capitalist, taking positions in public companies and initially demanding extreme changes in their corporate leadership an...