This momentous achievement served as a testament to her extraordinary acting abilities, opening up a floodgate of opportunities in the cinematic world. She starred alongside legendary actors such as Cary Grant in Alfred Hitchcock's North by Northwest and Paul Newman in Exodus, solidifying her status...
29 – Henry Alfred Kissinger (100)was a prominent American diplomat, political scientist, and statesman. Born in Germany, he fled Nazi persecution and later served in the U.S. Army during World War II. Afterward, he became a renowned expert on nuclear weapons and foreign policy at Harvard U...
but there’s never been an attempt to tell her story fully. She’s often relegated to an off-stage role (as inBrother Cadfael) or a second, or even tertiary character (as inPillars of the Earth), but I think she’s interesting enough to warrant her own film. Everyone is so preoccupi...
technically amasque– a popular type of dramatic entertainment among 16th and 17th century English nobility – tells of how Alfred took shelter on the Isle of Athelney, a village in Somerset, following a defeat from the Vikings.
"Todger" is an old-timey slang word for penis. You can speculate, if you like, about where exactly Private Thomas Alfred Jones got his nickname -- was it his enormous wang? Was he a dick to his fellow troops? Did he once kill a man with it, wielding it as a sort of makeshift fl...
In her 1997 book, “Bright Galaxies, Dark Matters,” Rubin wrote, “No one promised that we would live in the era that would unravel the mysteries of the cosmos. The edge of the universe is far beyond our grasp. Like Columbus, perhaps like the Vikings, we have peered into a new world...
C.William the Conqueror D.Alfred the Great 4.Themarked the establishment of feudalism(封建制度) in England. A.Viking invasion B.signing of the Magna Carta C.Norman Conquest D.Adoption of common law 5.The end of the Wars of the Roses led to the rule of. A.the House of Valois B.the...
However, Pleshette's big break came in 1958 when she appeared in the Alfred Hitchcock film, The Birds, which garnered her instant fame and recognition. Despite having roles in over 40 films, she is best remembered for her role as Emily Hartley on the popular television series, The Bob ...