During his reign (871-899), King Alfred revolutionized the governance of Wessex, greatly advancing the process that would culminate two generations later, in the creation of the kingdom of England. His succes in fighting the Vikings not only saved Wessex from conquest but kept Britain from becom...
muchastheMerciansweretodointhefollowingyear.HoardsdatingtotheVikingoccupationofLondonin871/2havebeenexcavatedatCroydon(克罗伊登,英格兰东南部城市,)Gravesend,andWaterloo(滑铁卢)Bridge.Thesefindshintat(暗示)thecostinvolvedinmakingpeacewiththeVikings.Forthenextfiveyears,theDanesoccupiedotherpartsofEngland ...
With all the other kingdoms having fallen to the Vikings, Wessex alone was still resisting. In his later years, he contracted a terrible disease,and nobody knew what it was. No medicine can be effective.until the age of 53, he died ,after he ruled England for 30 years .He died in ...
Before the Vikings and their fleetsdisembarked onitsjagged, wind-blown shores, the Romans and the Germans hadsuccessively launched their forays, occupying its villages, andstaking them out as their territories. 在维京人和他们的舰队登上崎岖的、被风吹拂的海岸之前,罗马人和德国人先后发动了突袭,占领了...
tovacatetherealmandmadegoodtheir promise。 2020-8-307 •Indeed,theVikingarmydidwithdrawfrom Readingintheautumnof871totakeupwinter quartersinMercianLondon.Althoughnot mentionedbyAsserorbytheAnglo-Saxon Chronicle(编年史),Alfredprobablyalsopaid theVikingscashtoleave,muchastheMercians ...
Alfred, also known as Alfred the great, was considered one of the best kings to rule in medieval times. During his life, he achieved many objectives, including fending off Danes, Vikings, and starting important events. Alfred was born in 849 in Wantage, Oxfordshire, SC England, UK. He was...
870wasthelow-watermarkinthehistoryoftheAnglo-Saxonkingdoms.WithalltheotherkingdomshavingfallentotheVikings(斯堪的纳维亚),Wessexalonewasstillresisting.870年是整个盎格鲁撒克逊社会的低谷期,几乎所有的英格兰王国均陷入丹麦人手,只有威塞克斯依然在坚持抵抗。Counterattackandvictory崛起 878年春,他重整旗鼓,在艾丁顿(...
muchastheMerciansweretodointhefollowingyear.HoardsdatingtotheVikingoccupationofLondonin871/2havebeenexcavatedatCroydon(克罗伊登,英格兰东南部城市,)Gravesend,andWaterloo(滑铁卢)Bridge.Thesefindshintat(暗示)thecostinvolvedinmakingpeacewiththeVikings.Forthenextfiveyears,theDanesoccupiedotherpartsofEngland ...
A biography of King Alfred the Great Alfred, also known as Alfred the great, was considered one of the best kings to rule in medieval times. During his life, he achieved many objectives, including fending off Danes, Vikings, and starting important events. Alfred was born in 849 in Wantage...
The odds were further stacked against itas King Alfred wasevicted from his fortressby the Vikings. 当阿尔弗雷德国王被维京人赶出要塞时,情况就更糟了。 Accompanying himin his exilewas onlya small band ofhis most trusted advisers. 陪同他流亡的只有一小群他最信任的顾问。