In 2003 WHO published "Working with individuals, families and communities to improve maternal and newborn health", known as the IFC Framework, that promotes integrating the health promotion approach set out in the Ottawa Charter into national maternal and newborn health strategies. More than 10 ye...
Theimpactofpsychoactivesubstanceuseonhealthanddevelopmentisdeterminedby multiplesocioeconomic,psychosocialandbiologicalfactorswhichneedtobeaddressedin effectiveprevention,treatmentandharmreductionstrategiesandinterventions. Theimpactofalcohol,tobaccoandpsychoactivedruguseonthehealthoftheworld’s populationisunacceptablyhighbyany...
associated strategies and a process that will enable country-specific adaptation.In addition,case studies illustrate how health promotion in schools is being implemented in low-and middle-income countries.Application of these global standards could improve the health and well-being of 1.9 billion ...
The extent to which organizations encourage such communication among clinicians and family caregivers is at the heart of patient safety and quality care for tens of millions of patients. Health care professionals must learn not only excellent communication skills regarding prognosis, treatment plans, ...
Innovative strategies targeting obesity and non-communicable diseases in South Africa: what can we learn from the private healthcare sector? health insurancelower- and middle-income countrieswellness programmesOver 50% of South African adult women and 30% of adult men are either overweight or ... ...
To generate a model from the results that will facilitate the promotion of health of the nursing students at an HEI in Johannesburg who have experienced aggression. To formulate strategies for the implementation of the model.The research design was theory-generative, qualitative, exploratory, ...
A peer support intervention using ‘Mentor Mothers’ was implemented for mothers who had migrated to Sweden, living in socially disadvantaged communities. The Mentor Mothers had a high degree of freedom to develop strategies for facilitating empowerment
The 8 chapters in this book cover the following aspects: health for all (HFA) vision; equity in health through solidarity in action; the desired health outcome for the peoples of the European Region; the range of strategies and actions to reach the overall goal of HFA; policies and mechanism...
Health Promotion and Resources HiST/NTNU Department of Social Work and Health Science Norwegian University of Science and Technology Summary.—The aim of this cross-sectional study was to investigate associa- tions between physical activity, stress, and happiness, as well as possible sex and age ...
Since it came into force in 2005, the FCTC has resulted in national strategies and legislation that have introduced health warning on packages of tobacco and comprehensive bans on tobacco advertising, promotion and sponsorship. As the only existing global intergovernmental meeting exclusively devoted to...