Health Promotion Strategies and Methods (second edition).Reviews the book "Health Promotion Strategies and Methods," 2nd ed., by Gary Egger, Ross Spark and Rob Donovan.EBSCO_bspAustralian & New Zealand Journal of Public Health
released the Shanghai Declaration on promoting health in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development (2), which suggests that health promotion methods and strategies play a key role to achieve the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) (3) and the Declaration puts Healthy Cities, improved governan...
Health Promotion and Health Counseling:Effective Counseling and Psychotherapeutic Strategies Health Promotion and Health Counseling:Effective Counseling and Psychotherapeutic StrategiesPreface. I. THE BASICS OF HEALTH COUNSELING. 1. Health Promotion and Health Counseling: An Overview. 2. Health Behavior and...
The Ottawa Charter identifies three basic strategies for health promotion. These are advocacy for health to create the essential conditions for health indicated above; enabling all people to achieve their full health potential; and mediating between the different interests in society in the pursuit of...
maintain and monitor the programme website; (ii) to conduct research to guide programme content, activities and dissemination strategies; (iii) to conduct community education events; (iv) to develop educational opportunities for professionals; and (v) to create value partnerships and effective collabor...
职业人群序贯化心理健康促进策略与效果评价 sequential mental health promotion strategies and the evaluation of its effect on occupational population 热度: A Critical Examination and Revisioning of Minority Health Frameworks, Research Methodologies, and Intervention Models Addressing South Asian American Health ...
health promotion, including the basic strategies and action areas of health promotion as defined by the Ottawa Charter. Different approaches to health promotion are discussed: medical approach, behavioral change approach, educational approach, empowerment approach, and social change approach. The main ...
Implementation strategies for infection prevention and control promotion for nurses in Sub-Saharan Africa: a systematic review Background: Despite impressive reductions in infectious disease burden within Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA), half of the top ten causes of poor health or death ... AE Barrera-...
To generate a model from the results that will facilitate the promotion of health of the nursing students at an HEI in Johannesburg who have experienced aggression. To formulate strategies for the implementation of the model.The research design was theory-generative, qualitative, exploratory, ...
In order to scale up the design of strategies and programmes, especially in school settings, it seems relevant to better understand the stakes involved in health promotion programme implementation. This work is a contribution to existing implementation research in the field of health promotion. The...