The passage of Prop 22 in late 2020 exempted certain rideshare and delivery app companies from having to comply with AB5. (Prop 22 was also challenged in court and survived.) But AB5 and its ABC Test, later recodified in AB2257, remain in effect for many industries and businesses. This...
The Court considered all relevant factors, then applied camel-style headlocks while sitting on the defendant, causing the staffing agency to either scream or collapse (unclear from theopinion). The Court ruled that the staffing agency failed to pay overtime and failed to comply with FLSA record...
Question: Employers are not required to keep a record of an employee who has the flu. a. True. b. False. Personnel Records Personnel records include the documented data about each employee, to include their employment history, emergency information, and proof of tra...
Finally, we urge our readers to read some of our recent COVID-19 posts, since there are many issues that employers need to consider when furloughing or laying off employees, including WARN Act issues, collective bargaining agreement obligations, exiting severance programs, and potential FLSA issues...
The proposed rule would identify seven factors to consider when evaluating whether someone is an employee under the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA). The final rule will likely be very similar. We’re still waiting, and the final rule could be released at any time. 2. The new NLRB test ...
Standard | Posted in Contingent Workers, DOL, FLSA, Gig Economy, Independent Contractor, Independent Contractor vs. Employee, Non-Employee Workers | Tagged Congress, DOL, FLSA, Independent Contractor, Independent Contractor Misclassification, Independent Contractor vs. Employee ...