《PracticalRadiationOncology》杂志2024年7月5日在线发表美国、德国、加拿大的April K Vassantachart , Felix Ehret , Eric Chen ,等撰写的《放射外科学会关于放射外科和放射治疗WHO 2级脑膜瘤的病例指南。A Case-based Guide for World...
, eric chen,等撰写的《放射外科学会关于放射外科和放射治疗who 2级脑膜瘤的病例指南.a case-based guide for world health organization (who) grade 2 meningioma radiosurgery and radiation therapy from the radiosurgery society》(doi:10.1016/j.prro.2024.02.009. ). 目的: 脑膜瘤是最常见的中枢神经系统原...
《PracticalRadiationOncology》杂志2024年7月5日在线发表美国、德国、加拿大的April K Vassantachart , Felix Ehret , Eric Chen ,等撰写的《放射外科学会关于放射外科和放射治疗WHO 2级脑膜瘤的病例指南。A Case-based Guide for World Health Organization (WHO) Grade 2 Meningioma Radiosurgery and Radiation Therapy...
World Health Organization (WHO) grade II meningioma is associated with a high rate of recurrence and poorer survival than in grade I. The reference treatment is surgery, which should be as complete as possible. Currently, in grade II, there are no recommendations for systematic adjuvant treatment...
Christopher R Weil ,等撰写的《与立体定向放射外科相比,分割放疗对WHO 2级脑膜瘤患者的总体肿瘤和颅内控制的益处。Gross tumor and intracranial control benefits with fractionated radiotherapy compared to stereotactic radiosurgery for pati...
,等撰写的《与立体定向放射外科相比,分割放疗对who 2级脑膜瘤患者的总体肿瘤和颅内控制的益处.gross tumor and intracranial control benefits with fractionated radiotherapy compared to stereotactic radiosurgery for patients with who grade 2 meningioma》(doi: 10.1016/j.wneu.2024.05.093. ). 目的: 手术切除是...
1脑膜上皮型脑膜瘤(meningothelial meningioma, WHO grade 1) 常见类型,发生在嗅沟和鞍区者多为此型。肿瘤细胞被薄的胶原纤维分隔、形成小叶状,瘤细胞与蛛网膜细胞相似,大小一致,细胞核一般为卵圆形、中央透明(核内陷即假包含体常见),漩涡状排列和沙粒体不常见,如果出现则趋向于其他亚型脑膜瘤。WHOI 级。
The role of adjuvant radiotherapy after gross total resection (GTR) of WHO grade 2 meningioma remains unclear, and conflicting results have been published.
Anaplastic (malignant) meningioma 间变型(恶性)脑膜瘤 Mesenchymal, non-meningothelial tumours 间叶性肿瘤,非脑膜上皮细胞来源肿瘤 Solitary fibrous tumour / haemangiopericytoma** 孤立性纤维性肿瘤/血管外周细胞瘤 Grade 1 1级 Grade 2 2级 Grade 3 3级 Haemangioblastoma 血管母细胞瘤...
Abstract:Atypicai meningioma(AM)is an aggressive type of meningioma between benign and malignant,which belongs to WHO grade".AM has tte risk of metastasis and recurrenca,and tte treatwent is mainly surgicai resection.The recurrence rata is25%to45%,and it usuaHy recurs2to4years after the ...