Commentary: Supreme Court justices who are conservative on specific issues sometimes lack fully conservative philosophyMICHELE NORRIS
How can the number of Supreme Court judges be increased? Addingjustices only requires a majority vote in both houses of Congress and the president's signature. If all are controlled by the Democrats, the apparent conservative majority in the Supreme Court could very well be erased. ...
Who replaced William Rehnquist on the Supreme Court? Replacing an Associate Justice: When nominated to the Supreme Court, an Associate Justice can serve for life, as there are no terms for this position. Most Associate Justices are only replaced after their deaths, although some, like Sandra Da...
"I know we need Supreme Court justices who understand what it takes to keep communities safe, who are impartial and fair, who will use common sense, and who won't politicize the constitution to undermine our most basic rights," Crawford said. Crawford's campaign announcement also took a swi...
Four conservative justices - Samuel Alito, joined by Clarence Thomas, Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh - wrote separately that the appeals court's understanding of teachers' free speech rights was "troubling and may justify review in the future." The case is Kennedy v Bre...
“His exemplary service in all three branches of government demonstrated his unparalleled versatility and dedication to the public good,” she said. Prosser's time on the high court was marked by his altercation with Bradley and feuds between the ...
Over the last eight presidential administrations, President Ronald Reagan had the third most indictments and convictions of government officials. Reagan was plagued by two large scandals that brought down a number of government officials; the Iran-Contra affair and an influence-peddling scheme at t...
In certain ways, the Supreme Court has been acting more like an authoritarian military junta than a bastion of liberty. The current court has six so-called conservative justices, three of whom were appointed by former president Donald Trump. The three Trump-appointed justices are Gorsuch, Brett...
at one point achieving a 95% approval rating within his party in the year of his first reelection bid.33Many on the right continue to see Trump as a political hero, nominating three conservative justices to the Supreme Court, pulling the U.S. out of theParis Climate Accord, and passing ...
Here are some of the notable names sitting with the first lady: — Kate Cox, a Texas mother forced to leave the state to receive a doctor-recommended abortion because of the state’s reproductive care restrictions. — Jazmin Cazares, a gun violence prevention advocate whose sister was kill...