The meaning of LIBERAL is inclined to be open to ideas and ways of behaving that are not conventional or traditional : broad-minded, tolerant. How to use liberal in a sentence. Synonym Discussion of Liberal.
The meaning of LIBERAL is inclined to be open to ideas and ways of behaving that are not conventional or traditional : broad-minded, tolerant. How to use liberal in a sentence. Synonym Discussion of Liberal.
Supreme Court shocker: Conservative Justices 'give green light' for Trump's hush money sentencing12:00 Share this - Copied Two conservative Supreme Court Justices voted with the three liberal Justices to deny Donald Trump’s request to halt his sentencing in his New...
Conservative vs. Liberal Justices on Speech and Undue Influence:Eugene Volokh
The current law is unworkable because it's not explicitly clear where ballots can be returned, said David Fox, attorney for the groups that brought the challenge. But conservative justices questioned the need to revisit their earlier ruling that determined the law does not allow for drop boxe...
The Greenhouse Effect.I don’t mean the gases, I mean former New York Times Supreme Court correspondent Linda Greenhouse. In order to avoid the wrath of Greenhouse and the Times,the theory goes, justices may not toe as hard a conservative line as they otherwise would have. “It seems that...
they have not been able to secure a preferred successor, including US District Judge Karen Caldwell, a judge who sits in McConnell’s home state. She changed her plans to step down after a deal between the Biden White House and McConnell to replace her with a conservative lawyer fell apart...
Homosexuality and the Conservative Mind The question of whether legal discrimination against gays and lesbians has a rational basis oi is a manifestation of unreasoned prejudice remains very much alive. Professor Macedo's article critically assesses the state of the public mor... S Macedo - 《Geo...
Still, there are no guarantees. Republicans were angered when a conservative candidate they backed in 2019 turned out to sometimes side with liberal justices. While the court is widely expected to weigh in on abortion and redistricting, liberals also are talking abo...
The screen you’re reading this on, the hand you’re scrolling with—even something as dense as a solid ingot of gold bullion—is something like 99.999999999% empty space (and that’s a conservative estimate). Take a glance at this comparison of our solar system against a gold atom, if ...