I have a very simple script that attempts to check the status of an API call up to a maximum of five times, with a one-second pause between each attempt. Script simulates an API call to check the status by setting a response variable to 400. If the response is 200, it sets the st...
Use While Loop in Bash While running bash scripts, you'll come across times when you want to run tasks repeatedly such as printing the value of a variable in a specific pattern multiple times. In this tutorial, I'm going to walk you through the following: The syntax of the while loop...
it does the opposite. Anuntilloop continues until itreceives a zero exit status. In our while-count script, we continued the loop as longas the value of thecountvariable was less than or equal to five. We could get the sameresult by coding the script withuntil...
In practice, theIFSvariable is used to tokenize a string into fields based on the specified delimiter. To elaborate, this special shell variable determines how Bash recognizes word boundaries in strings. In this method, we’ll useIFSwith aforloop to iterate over different variables. Now, let’...
/bin/bash num=1 until [ $num -gt 10 ]; do echo $num num=$(($num+1)) done The difference is in the condition; the rest remains the same. The while loop ran while the variablenumwas less than or equal to 10. The condition in[ ]has to be true for the loop to execute....
while [ $counter -lt $iterations_count ]– initiates thewhileloop whereby the condition checks if the value of thecountervariable is less than the value of theiterations_countvariable do– declares the start of thewhileloop body echo “Iteration: $counter”– uses theechocommand to print the ...
I have code that works for processing every line of files, but when I attempt to limit the iterations by an integer "n" with a counter variable in the while loop, it no longer works. Here is my code that works: # Output file for biallelic SNPs output_file=${SNAPTMP}/SNAP.proxy.ld...
In this example, we're showing the use of a while loop to print numbers starting from 10 to 19. Here we've initialized an intvariablex with a value of 10. Then in while loop, we're checking x as less than 20 and within while loop, we're printing the value of x and incrementing...
#!/bin/bash #Prompts the user to enter an integer less than 100 and calculates the sum of all integers from 1 to that number read -p "请输入一个小于100的整数:" num sum=0 a=1 #while [ $a -le $num ] until [ $a -gt $num ] do sum=$[$sum+$a] let a++ done echo "1到...
The script stops because we wanted our variable to be less than 5 and not equal to 3 PowerShell Do-Until loop The Do-Until loop works in the same way as the Do-While loop: It runs the script block first and then evaluates the condition. The difference here is that while the Do-Wh...