echo "This script needs at least $MINPARAMS command-line arguments!" fi echo exit 0 运行代码: bash 1 2 10 The name of this script is "". The name of this script is "". Parameter #1 is 1 Parameter #2 is 2 --- All the command-line parameters are: 1 ...
echo "The name of this script is \"$0\"." echo "The name of this script is \"`basename $0`\"." echo if [ -n "$1" ] # 测试变量被引用. then echo "Parameter #1 is $1" # 需要引用才能够转义"#" fi if [ -n "$2" ] then echo "Parameter #2 is $2" fi if [ -n "${...
$ bash Hello, World! 写一个 iOS 开发相关的脚本 最后我们利用上边学到的知识,写一个 iOS 项目自动打包的脚本: #!/bin/bash # 定义变量 workspace="YourApp.xcworkspace" scheme="YourScheme" archivePath="YourArchivePath.xcarchive" exportOptionsPlist="YourExportOptionsPlist.plist" exportPath=...
bash 1 2 10 The name of this script is "". The name of this script is "". Parameter #1 is 1 Parameter #2 is 2 --- All the command-line parameters are: 1 2 10 This script needs at least 10 command-line arguments! 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. ...
./ John 输出结果: Hello, John! 5. 控制流语句 Bash脚本支持if-else语句、for循环、while循环等控制流语句,可以根据条件执行不同的命令。 示例: #!/bin/bash if [ $1 -gt 10 ]; then echo “Greater than 10” else echo “Less than or equal to 10” ...
bash shell script 定义 bash bash是命令语言解释器。广泛用于各种gun/unix系统上的默认命令解释器。全程叫做“Bourne-Again SHell” shell shell是一个宏处理器,允许执行交互式或非交互式的命令。 scripting 脚本允许自动执行,否则会一个接一个命令交互执行。 什么是shell shell允许你通过命令与计算机交互,从而检索或存...
echo "Your entry is less than one hundred" fi Output for this script will be able to test if the input is less than 100 and run specific code on that condition: linuxhint@:~$ bash Enter a number: 99 Your entry is less than one hundred linuxhint@:~$ bash Enter a ...
Example Script #!/bin/bash echo -n “Enter a number 1 < x < 10: " read num if [ “$num” -lt 10 ]; then if [ “$num” -gt 1 ]; then echo “$num*$num=$(($num*$num))” else echo “Wrong insertion !” ... - executes commands when the AWS EC2 instance running this script is notified of Spot Termination, acts as a latch mechanism that can be set any time after boot - sends a test message to an AWS SQS queue, retrieves it to check and then del...
-lt 即-Less Than的缩写,表示小于 -gt 即-Greater Than的缩写,表示大于 -eq 即-equal的缩写,表示等于,此外还有 -ne 即-Not Equal的缩写,表示不等于 -o 即-or,表示前后二个逻辑判断是『或』的关系,类似的 -a 即-and,表示前后二个逻辑判断是『与』的关系 ...