In this article, we will review PowerShell For loops, While loops, Do-While loops, and Do-Until loops. I’ll explain how PowerShell loops are constructed and how to define conditions to enter or exit a loop. PowerShell For loop The For loop is а counting loop, and it’s mostly used...
I am trying to create a CUI like application in powershell script. Like showing around 7 options each mapped to a numeral character. A prompt is presented and the admin can type the ...
PowerShell Looping: Understanding and Using DoWhile, So, I can see that there are four parts to a Do…While loop. First is the Do keyword, then the script block that I want to “do.”. Then comes the While keyword, and the condition that is evaluated to determine if another loop will...
Windows PowerShell Index -contains operator vs .contains() method -ea operator -ErrorAction:SilentlyContinue parameter is not being respected & $error variable not updated -ExpandProperty & Export CSV !!! powershell script to add a word in the beginning of the text file - URGENT !!! 'A posi...
Accessing PowerShell Variable in C# code Accessing rows/columns in MultiDimensional Arrays Accessing the first object in an ICollection Accessing the private method through an instance in a static method Accurate Integer part from double number Acess an arraylist from another class? Activator.Createin...
Another hint: I had the exclusion lists not working properly (I was sending separate exclusion lists, via the command line, and that doesn't work well in powershell, there's an issue for that), which was causing that the extra 17k tests were also being "covered" by coverlet, generating...
in Windows 10 Drivers and Hardware VIDEO_TDR_FAILURE igdkmd64.sys: While launching a game, it freezes up (And a second of the audio loops), then an another second loops, then it gives me this squished blue screen, the error it gives me is "VIDEO_TDR_FAILURE igdkmd64.sys" This PC...
Updated PowerShell profile to havea new prompt. Learned about the beep in the console -Set-PSReadlineOption -BellStyle None. Installed VisualStudio. 2017-02-25 Saturday Tested USB to Ethernet adapter. Was surprised that USB3.0 plug would not completely fit into USB2.0 socket, but will fully ...
Number of Loops - This is how many times the click loop will execute. The click loop consists of 1) Pressing down the left click, 2) Releasing the left click, 3) Sleeping for the assigned delay period. How to Use: This repo has two files: A powershell script that this was written ...
@@FETCH_STATUS in nested loops @@ServerName returns wrong value in SQL SERVER 2008 ##TempTable and INSERT-SELECT FROM an existing Table with an IDENTITY column %rowtype equivalent in SQL server ++ operator in TSQL - bug or feature? 2 tables referencing each other using foreign it ...