在Powershell中使用循环结构时,有时我们希望在某个条件满足时跳出循环,以结束循环的执行。在while循环中,我们可以使用"break"关键字来实现跳出循环的目的。 以下是离开Powershell Loop (while)的几种常见方法: 使用"break"关键字:在循环中的某个条件满足时,使用"break"关键字立即结束循环的执行。例如: ...
>> }while (-not($i -ge 3)) >> $i=0 $i=1 $i=2 循环和计数器 一般循环包括初始化一个变量作为计数器,并且在每个循环体中修改该计数器,直到满足退出条件。这种形式的循环出即for…loop结构,其一般格式如下: for(<initializer>;<exit condition>;<step action>) { <action> } 这种循环通过初始化...
try{$reader= [System.IO.StreamReader]::new($path)while(-not$reader.EndOfStream) {$line=$reader.ReadLine()if($line.Length-gt10) {$line} } }finally{if($reader) {$reader.Dispose() } } 也可以使用[System.IO.File]的ReadLines方法,它包装了StreamReader,简化了读取过程: ...
try{$reader= [System.IO.StreamReader]::new($path)while(-not$reader.EndOfStream) {$line=$reader.ReadLine()if($line.Length-gt10) {$line} } }finally{if($reader) {$reader.Dispose() } } 也可以使用[System.IO.File]的ReadLines方法,它包装了StreamReader,简化了读取过程: ...
while($val -ne 3) { $val++ Write-Host $val } In this example, the condition ($val is not equal to 3) is true while $val is equal to 0, 1, and 2. Each time through the loop, $val is incremented by 1 using the ++ unary increment operator. The last time through the loop ...
The while and do..while loops are similar, in that they continue to execute the loop as long as its condition evaluates to true. A while loop checks for this before running your script block, whereas a do..while loop checks the condition after running your script block. A do..until loo...
Do not continue until a file exists in powershell Do-While loop until input is null Does anyone know how to AutoFit Columns starting from a particular Row in Excel? Does closing the command window kill a process? Does Compare-Object return anything if there is an exact match? Does get-adu...
In Part 3,PowerShell Looping: Using While, I talked about usingWhileto loop through acollection. Today, I conclude the series by talking about the automaticForeachfeature. What’s the problem with Foreach? Suppose I have a Windows PowerShell cmdlet that returns a collection of objects. I do...
if ($nb_lines -gt 55000) { # Loop all text lines while ($line -le $InputFile.Length) { # Generate child CSVs if ($i -eq $LineLimit -Or $line -eq $InputFile.Length) { $file++ $Filename = "$OutputFilenamePattern$file.csv" # $InputFile[0] | Out-File $Filename -Force #...
用法一如下: $n = 0 do { write-host $n $n++ } while($n -ne 3) #当$n<>3时进行循环操作 执行结果: 0 1 2 4. do...until的用法 用法一如下:$n=0do{write-host$n$n++}until($n-gt3)#当$n>3时停止操作执行结果:0123 二、分支类 ...