while循环中continue和break的区别break跳出整个循环,直接执行下面的代码了,而continue是终止当次循环,不执行下面的代码,而是直接进入下一次循环。下面是针对continue和break区别举的例子。语句执行后,直接终止循环。 无限的loop 5 Python 第五节 第三课 [toc]break语句break语句可用于while和for循环, 用来结束整个循环....
In the example above, the while loop will run, as long i is smaller then twenty. In the while loop there is an if statement that states that if i equals ten the while loop must stop (break). With “continue;” it is possible to skip the rest of the commands in the current loop ...
break:用于完全结束一个循环,跳出循环体执行循环后面的语句 continue:不会跳出整个循环,终止本次循环,接着执行下次循环,break终止整个循环 1#break 循环2#count=03#while count<=100:4#print('loop',count)5#if count==5:6#break7#count+=18#print('---out of while loop---') 1#continue 循环2count=...
done < "$file" break和continue语句 break和continue语句可用于控制while循环执行。 break语句 break语句终止当前循环并将程序控制传递给终止循环后面的命令。它通常用于在满足某个条件时终止循环。 在下面的示例中,一旦当前迭代项等于,将中断循环的执行2。 i=0 while [ $i -lt 5 ] do echo "Number: $i" (...
dead loop、continue & break、while...else语句 Dead loop 死循环,一经触发就会永远运行下去。 continue & break 如果在循环过程中,因为某些原因,你不想继续循环了,就要用到break 或 continue语句。#break用于完全结束一个循环,跳出循环体执行循环后面的语句;#continue和break有点类似,区别在于continue只是跳出(终止...
可以使用break 语句来跳出循环。demo:public class InfiniteWhileLoop { public static void main(Str...
After, you'll see how you can use the break and continue keywords. The difference between the xrange() and range() functions While Loop The while loop is one of the first loops that you'll probably encounter when you're starting to learn how to program. It is arguably also one of ...
The BREAK statement exits the innermost WHILE loop and the CONTINUE statement restarts a WHILE loop. A program might execute a BREAK statement if, for example, there are no other rows to process. A CONTINUE statement could be executed if, for example, the execution of the code should ...
PowerShell While 循环可以与break 和 continue 语句结合使用以进一步控制流程。让我们看看它们是如何工作的:代码 $counter = 1 while ($counter -le 5) { if ($counter -eq 3) { Write-Host "Skipping 3..." $counter++ continue } if ($counter -eq 5) { Write-Host "Breaking the loop at 5." ...