Break in While LoopThe break statement can be used to jump out of a while loop.Break Example $x = 0; while($x < 10) { if ($x == 4) { break; } echo "The number is: $x "; $x++; } Try it Yourself » Break in Do While LoopThe break...
I have a 'while' loop inside a 'while' loop. while %%% while %%% break end %%% statement 1 %%% statement 2 end I wonder the location of 'break' in this case would break only the inner 'while' loop or break even the outer 'while' loop?
break 语句用于退出 switch 语句或循环语句(for, for ... in, while, do ... while)。 当break 语句用于 switch 语句中时,会跳出 switch 代码块,终止执行代码。 当break 语句用于循环语句时,会终止执行循环,并执行循环后代码(如果有的话)。 break 语句同样可用于可选的标签引用,用于跳出代码块。(查看以下 ...
For any strings that contain ani,breakexits ourfor char in string:loop. As this is our inner-most loop, Python then moves onto the next item in thefor string in strings:loop. It's worth noting that if Python doesn't terminatewhileloops, they can loop endlessly. Therefore, when relying ...
The break statement, like in C, breaks out of the innermost enclosing for or while loop.Python中断语句与C语言类似,打破了最小封闭for或while循环。Loop statements may have an else clause; it is executed when the loop terminates through exhaustion of the list (with for) or when the condition ...
} /* while loop end */printf("Bye!\n"); return 0; } 在本例中 continue 的作用与上述类似,但是 break 的作用不同:它让程序离开 switch 语句,跳至switch语句后面的下一条语句;如果没有 break 语句,就会从匹配标签开始执行到 switch 末尾;注:C语言中的 case 一般都指定一个值,不能使用一个范围;switc...
} /*whileloop end */ printf("Bye!n"); return0; } 在本例中 continue 的作用与上述类似,但是 break 的作用不同:它让程序离开 switch 语句,跳至switch语句后面的下一条语句;如果没有 break 语句,就会从匹配标签开始执行到 switch 末尾; 注:C语言中的 case 一般都指定一个值,不能使用一个范围;switch ...
break: 只能在while,和for循环中!!! if不行 会报错 break outside loop # break跳出循环 1.打破的是最小封闭的while或for循环,在这里我是这么理解的,直接终止while循环,如果嵌套了多层for循环终止最内层循环. eg: while True: print("123") break print...
Break and Continue in While Loop You can also usebreakandcontinuein while loops: Break Example inti=0;while(i<10){System.out.println(i);i++;if(i==4){break;}} Try it Yourself » Continue Example inti=0;while(i<10){if(i==4){i++;continue;}System.out.println(i);i++;} ...
接下来让我们看下break和continue的其他区别:1. Break通常用在循环和条件语句中,用于跳出当前的循环或条件语句。而Continue则是用于跳过当前的循环,直接进行下一次循环。例句:- He stopped the loop when he found the target.当他发现目标时,他停止了循环。- The code will continue executing ...