Past continuous vs. past simple; when and while a Complete the sentences. Use the past simple or past continuous form of the verbs in brackets.1 While the teacher was writing (write) on the board, Toby fell (fall) asleep.2 Kelly hrave) a shower when her mobile phone(ring).3 While ...
过去进行时与简单when while词汇带案例.pdf,Past continuous Past continuous vs. past simple, when/ while Vocabulary: phrases with get Read and listen Match the words in the box with the pictures. Write 1–8 in the boxes. 1 crisps 2 traffic lights 3 wig 4 ca
时间连词while和when的含义有差别:while的意思相当于during that time(在……期间),表示某一时间段内发生的动作,因此,从句的谓语动词通常接延续动词。when的意思相当于at that time(在……时刻),从句的谓语动词通常是短暂动词,表示某一时刻的动作(从句也可接延续动词,这时从句往往...
"past continuous(过去进行时)+when+past simple(一般过去时)e.g., I was cooking soup when the power went off.I was singing when suddenly all the light went out.(A) Circle the correct words.I did was doing my homework last night when I lost I was losing all my work. 相关知识点: ...
WhenandWhile 2 1 SimplePastTenseand PastContinuousTense 2 2 PastTense SimplePastTensedescribessomethingthathappenedinthepast.past now future 2 3 JohnplayedbasketballwithhisbrotherlastSunday.Thebusarrivedat7:00inthemorning.Shewatchedamovieandcriedsadlylastnight.Theclockstoppedat11:59Saturdaynight.Heflewbackto...
endwithie,changeie—y+ing:die—dying,lie--lying 7 Usingwhen:1.Whenisaconjunctionusedtojointwosentences.2.Whencomesatthebeginningorinthemiddleofa sentence.3.Whenisusedtojointwoactions;onewasgoingonat acertaintimeinthepast(pastcontinuous)andwasinterruptedbyanotheraction(pastsimple).8 longaction ...
3Write complete sentences in the past simple and past continuous.1 While / I / study / my brother / take / my phone.oor.phone2 Lily / wear / her new dress / when / I / meet / her.3 We / watch / a film / when / we / hear / a strange noise.4 When / you / call / me...
过去进行时与while ntp2au2-note2.pptx,Past continuous tense with and whilewhen(Points to note) Remember that we can put while and when at the beginning or in the middle of a sentence. If we put them in the middle of the sentence, we do not need to use a c
The past simple and the past continuous with when, while, as and just asJoin these pairs of sentences using the word(s) in brackets in each case. 用括号中的词连接各组句子。There was a power cut. We were listening to some music. (while) 答案 There was a power cut while we were lis...