C The past simple and the past continuous with when, while, as and just asJoin these pairs of sentences using the word(s) in brackets in each case.用括号中的词连接各组句子。1 We were walking down the street. We met some friends. (when)We were walking down the street when we met ...
when …。原句意为:我们走在大街上。我们遇到了一些朋友。用when改写后意为:我们在街上走的时候遇到了几个朋友。故答案为:We were walking down the street when we met some friends.结果一 题目 C. The past simple and the past continuous with when, while, as and just asJoin these pairs of ...
过去进行时与简单when while词汇带案例.pdf,Past continuous Past continuous vs. past simple, when/ while Vocabulary: phrases with get Read and listen Match the words in the box with the pictures. Write 1–8 in the boxes. 1 crisps 2 traffic lights 3 wig 4 ca
在表示过去的动作中,when引导的从句还有一个重要的时态搭配,即一般过去时(simple past)与过去进行时(past continuous)搭配。注意,此时的时态搭配与主句、从句没有关系,而只与动作的长短有关系。短暂动作用一般过去时,延续动作用过去进行时。这一时态配套使用所表示的意义是:在...
Now, when we have two single actions that happen at the same time or>You can see that we have two verbs there in the simple past, not continuous.当我们有两个在同一时间发生的两件事或者我们看到过去有两个并不是持续发生的动词...
Past continuous vs. past simple; when and while a Complete the sentences. Use the past simple or past continuous form of the verbs in brackets.1 While the teacher was writing (write) on the board, Toby fell (fall) asleep.2 Kelly hrave) a shower when her mobile phone(ring).3 While ...
past simple; when and while a Complete the sentences. Use the past simple or past continuous form of the verbs in brackets.1 While the teacher was writing (write) on the board, Tobyfell (fall) asleep.2 Kelly(have) a shower when her mobile phone(ring).3 While Lauren ,Watcn) TV, ...
endwithie,changeie—y+ing:die—dying,lie--lying 7 Usingwhen:1.Whenisaconjunctionusedtojointwosentences.2.Whencomesatthebeginningorinthemiddleofa sentence.3.Whenisusedtojointwoactions;onewasgoingonat acertaintimeinthepast(pastcontinuous)andwasinterruptedbyanotheraction(pastsimple).8 longaction ...
Use "when" in a clause with a single action, using a simple past or present tense. 在具有单一动作的从句中使用when,动词用一般过去时或现在时。 And that's Ask a Teacher! 以上就是本期名师答疑的全部内容。 I'm Jill Robbins. 我是吉尔·罗宾斯。
Note that both these actions – "start" and "read" are single actions, using verbs in the simple past tense. 注意这两个动作——“start”和“read”都是短暂性动作,动词用的都是一般过去时。 That is an important thing to remember as we look for...