Additionally, genetic male testers using the FTDNA Family Finder autosomal test will now receive intermediate Y-DNA haplogroup information “to trace the origins of your direct paternal line ancestors and see how they migrated across the globe over thousands of years.” LivingDNA includes an mtDNA...
分享57赞 星球大战吧 仲夏梅蒂尔之幻 稍微说下《原力传承》里,卢克跟杰森舅舅外甥的4次“交手” 分享733 有梦想的两个咸鱼吧 组织在哪里呢 Haplogroup R1b (Y-DNA)1. Geographic distribution 2. Phylogeny 3. Origins & History Paleolithic origins Neolithic cattle herders The Levantine & African branch (V88...