Whey protein is a byproduct of cheese-making. It comes in different forms, including whey powder concentrate and whey protein isolate. Both have similar health benefits, including building muscles and adding mass without weight gain. Whether you choose whey protein concentrate or whey protein isolate...
In comparing whey protein isolate vs concentrate, they both have a high bioavailability rate. What does this mean? It simply means your digestive tract is able to absorb a lot of the protein from whey easily and efficiently. This is important because you want to get as much out of the ...
Types of Whey Protein: What's the Difference? You may have come across different types of whey protein, but how do you differentiate one from the other? For instance, what is whey protein isolate versus whey protein concentrate? Simply put, whey protein concentrate (WPC) has a higher co...
While just picking the right flavour can be a tricky decision, we'll cut through the noise so that you can decide whether whey protein isolate or whey protein concentrate is best for you.
Whey isolate vs. concentrate
分离乳清蛋白whey protein isolate (WPI)分离乳清蛋白是在浓缩乳清蛋白的基础上进一步加工提纯得来的产品,通常其蛋白质含量在90%以上,价格往往比浓缩蛋白高2-3倍。分离乳清蛋白撇除了乳清蛋白中的脂肪和乳糖,口感更好,生物价值更高,更容易被身体消化吸收。水解乳清蛋白 whey protein hydrolysate (WPH)水解乳清蛋白是把...
Whey Protein Isolate VS Whey ConcentrateWhereas whey protein concentrate is still very beneficial, it does only provide typically around 70 – 80% protein per serving, as opposed to whey isolate. Whey isolate is of a higher quality and is a much purer whey protein, making it more beneficial,...
Whey-based: Made with whey concentrate and whey isolate Plant-based: Vegetarian- and vegan-friendly with organic pea protein and organic brown rice protein Low-lactose whey: 98-percent lactose-free with ultra-filtered whey protein isolate and, per the brand, “fast-absorbing carbohydrates” Ketog...
Protein:24g Carbs:1g Fat:2g Lactose:Minimal CHECK PRICEJacked Factory Authentic Wheyis a mix of whey protein concentrate and whey protein isolate and it's made through a special filtration process that makes it low in lactose. This makes it easier to digest for those who are lactose sensitive...
Whey Protein Concentrate and Isolate Consumers have become increasingly demanding about the functional benefits they seek from food and beverages. There has been an unprecedented growth in whey consumption over the last number of years; it has had a huge impact on the Sports Nutrition market for ...