Where was Thales born? Where did Archimedes die? Where did Galileo Galilei do his work? Where did Robert Hooke go to school? Where did William Harvey study? Where did Rene Descartes live? Where was Benjamin Franklin educated? Where did Charles Darwin study evolution?
Where was Edward the Confessor educated? Where was William the Conqueror born? Where did King Henry V live? Where was Harald Hardrada born? Where did Edward the Confessor die? Where did the Holy Roman Emperor live? Where did Henry VII live?
First stop in the chain reaction, of course, Galileo Galilei with his observations of Venus in the year 1610 demonstrating that planets orbit the Sun, not the Earth. Then Newton, extraordinarily linking in 1687 the force that pushes us down with the force that keeps planets and satellites in...
Which brings us to 1990. NASA’s Galileo spacecraft was heading out to Jupiter, but for navigational reasons it needed to do a quick flyby of Earth first. A certain scientist named Carl Sagan saw this Earth flyby as an opportunity. What would happen if Galileo did a thorough scan of ou...
Where did J.R.R. Tolkien go to college? Where did Josephine Baker go to college? Where was Edward the Confessor educated? Where did Francisco Goya go to school? Where did John Eliot go to school? Where did Nikola Tesla go to college?
Where was Julius Caesar born and raised? Where was Alexander Pope born? Where is Louis Pasteur from? Where was Louis XVI born? Where was John Winthrop born? Where was John Calvin born and raised? Where was Galileo born? Where did Louis Pasteur live? Where was Charlemagne educated? Where wa...
Archimedes was born around 287 BC in Syracuse, Sicily, and the details of his private life are scant. Despite the lack of personal information, Archimedes is remembered as one of the foremost mathematicians, scientists, and inventors of his time, and many of his discoveries are still in ...
Education in that time was almost entirely dependent on who you knew and how much money you had. In fact, recommendations were key to enter universities, and people also entered them much younger: it was not unusual for a teenage to be a university student, as young as thirteen or ...
Where is Galileo Galilei buried? Where was Brahmagupta buried? Where is Sequoyah buried? Where is Saint Francis Xavier buried? Where is Henry Morgan buried? Where is Galileo buried? Where is Jacob Lawrence buried? Where is Samuel Slater buried? Where is Charles Darwin buried? Where is Alexander...
Where was Ahmose buried? Where is Hubert Humphrey buried? Where is Alexander McGillivray buried? Where is Thurgood Marshall buried? Where is Galileo buried? Where is Akhenaten buried? Where is King Edward buried? Where is Daniel Webster buried? Where is Michael Schwerner buried? Where is Confuci...