答案1.C 细节理解题,根据第一段第三行The teacher's job is to show his students how to learn.可知,老师的工作是教他的学生如何学习,故选C.2.B 细节理解题,根据第二段第二行Great scientists,such as Einstein,Newton and Galileo didn't get everything from school.But they were all s...
and in 1969 the U.S. astronautNeil Armstrongbecame the first person on the Moon. All told, during nine Apollo missions, 24 astronauts (all Americans)went to the Moon, and 12 of them walked on it. Later, uncrewed programs—such asViking,Mariner,Voyager, andGalileo—explored other bodies of...
The problem of findingtangentsto curves was closely related to an important problem that arose from the Italian scientistGalileo Galilei’sinvestigations of motion, that of finding thevelocityat any instant of a particle moving according to some law. Galileo established that intseconds a freely falli...
Education and Heisman win Simpson played football at Galileo High School in San Francisco, first as a tackle and then as a fullback. HeattendedSan Francisco City College (1965–66) to achieve a scholastic record that allowed him to play at theUniversity of Southern California(USC), where he...
The intellectual and political edifice ofChristianity, seemingly impregnable in theMiddle Ages, fell in turn to the assaults made on it byhumanism, theRenaissance, and theProtestantReformation. Humanism bred the experimentalscienceofFrancis Bacon,Nicolaus Copernicus, andGalileoand the mathematical investigat...
Milton also met withGalileo, who was under virtualhouse arrest. The circumstances of this extraordinary meeting, whereby a young Englishman about 30 years old gained access to the aged and blind astronomer, are unknown. (Galileo would become the only contemporary whom Milton mentioned by name inPa...
When Newton arrived in Cambridge in 1661, the movement now known as theScientific Revolutionwas well advanced, and many of the works basic to modern science had appeared. Astronomers fromNicolaus CopernicustoJohannes Keplerhad elaborated theheliocentric systemof theuniverse. Galileo had proposed the fou...
From the church’s point of view, while it might be important to see to it that thought on the physical world corresponded as far as possible to what Scripture said—witnessed, for example, in the famous questioning of Galileo—it was far more important that such correspondence exist in ...
asGalileo,Francis Bacon,Thomas Hobbes, andRené Descartes. Leibniz dreamed of reconciling—a verb that he did not hesitate to use time and again throughout his career—these modern thinkers with theAristotleof theScholastics. His baccalaureate thesis,De Principio Individui(“On the Principle of ...
doctrines ofRoman Catholicism; indeed, he took pains to emphasize their compatibility. Although he was a heliocentrist, he presented his astronomical views in a way that made them at least superficially consistent with the teachings of the church, which had condemnedGalileofor his heliocentrism in ...